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MES: The Future of Engineered Supply Chains

We constantly hear that the world is getting smaller. The credit for that usually goes to the internet but, in the physical world, logistics makes the real difference.
Logistics companies streamline the flow of components and products, accelerating the entire cycle from raw materials to final delivery with pinpoint accuracy. These supply chains have become the single most critical element of our consumer-centric world. Success in this highly competitive field requires foresight, innovation, and agility. These three characteristics describe MES, Inc. perfectly.
Sustained Growth
MES, Inc. is a supply chain specialist that delivers top-quality components to global manufacturing companies. Its team comprises Six Sigma engineers and sourcing, supply, and quality control experts who utilize incisive metrics to simplify the supply process. This contributes to faster delivery as well as lower overhead costs across the board.
MES helps its customers by developing custom engineered solutions with the help of global manufacturing resources, implementing comprehensive supply chain solution. MES follows various steps in order to complete the process. It includes finding and auditing suppliers, developing their quality systems, consolidating shipments at various ports, performing domestic value added operations and warehousing near customers and shipping on Just-In-Time basis.
MES develops suppliers with good quality, cost and delivery processes, who can make components to its customer’s specifications. Currently, it has two sourcing offices in India, one in China, Hongkong and Vietnam. The company’s engineers are spread all over China and India. It is also located in other countries such as Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia.
The company was established in USA in 2007, but now has its headquarters in Columbus, OH. MES works with select suppliers from India, China, Australia, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Malaysia. Regional offices in India, China, Poland, and Mexico oversee location-specific operations.
Founder and CEO Hiten Shah originally specialized in plastics engineering and injection molding, then moved into insulation materials for the automotive industry.
In 2007, he identified a niche supplying cost-effective products manufactured in India to Chinese distributors. As processes improved, clients asked MES for direct in-time supply to their plants. Hiten invested heavily in sourcing and quality assurance before establishing warehousing and logistics facilities in the United States. This led to better results and attracted more clients.
In 2011, MES expanded into Mexico with logistics and customer service development. By 2013, the warehouse accounted for 40% of their sales. At a subsequent exhibition in Hong Kong, they were surprised to learn that there was immense interest from Europe, too. Today, MES earns a significant part of its revenue from its European clients.
Meeting Needs 
When there is no shortage of service providers, only the companies which can distinguish themselves through proven results can dominate. MES understands this and uses it as inspiration.
They employ an in-house automation portal to simplify processes and streamline every stage of the supply chain. It handles quote requests from both sides of the chain, quality development procedures, and their five-stage product launch process.
MES has even developed a phone app specifically for its engineers. They are required to post daily quality assessments of their areas of responsibility within a factory. This information is used to regulate standards and to identify potential problems at the earliest possible stage.
This commitment to excellence continues with a standardized ERP that is used in every MES facility across the world. It gives clients assured long-term consistency, no matter the product or the location.
Standing Apart 
Because MES provides such a comprehensive range of supply chain services to very high standards, most of its competitors are unable to pose a serious threat to its dominance. In fact, Hiten does not see other logistics companies as competition.
“Our main competition comes from our own customers who handle part of the supply chain themselves. They outsource to us because they have issues in a certain region, with a particular part, commodity, or product. Additionally, there are some suppliers who handle certain aspects of inventory management.” Hiten is comfortable with MES’s current share of the market and believes that organic growth will inevitably favor them.
“Manufacturing is infinitely more complex than it was just a decade ago. Every product features configuration options, meaning that manufacturers need more components and more variations. Demand has skyrocketed while timelines have shrunk. Reliable logistics is the key and MES is the answer.” 
Navigating Change 
When asked about the challenges that the past 11 years have thrown at his company, Hiten elaborates on the solutions to those challenges.
“A dedicated focus on your customer is absolutely essential,” he says, “The business climate, currency exchange rates, geopolitical circumstances, and other factors outside your control will always fluctuate. The key to success in our field revolves around quality of service, timely delivery, and accurate inventory metrics.”
“It is a constant learning process; even when two clients’ basic requirements may be the same, their location, volume, and internal standards may vary. Long-term success hinges on being close to customers and managing their individual needs accurately.”
Hiten recounts that the need for continuous reassessment and course correction was ingrained in him as soon as he entered the industry.
“In 2006, when I was first approached for an India-based logistics solution, I severely underestimated the complexity of the project. My extensive experience managing supply and demand in the automotive industry could not have prepared me for the challenges. However, we persisted and our dogged determination paid off.”
“Two years later, when I was given the opportunity to enter the Chinese market, I made the same mistake!” he laughs. “Again, it was our resolve and our faith in ourselves that go us over the line. That and having the right team of specialists who shared our conviction and embraced our vision.”
Hiten believes that the rapid growth of MES is a testament to how scalable the industry is, given you have the correct people and resources at your disposal.
Recognition and Vision 
Hiten’s drive has earned him widespread accolades. He was an Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year finalist for 2015 and 2017. Meanwhile, MES has been named in the Fast 50 as well as the Smart 50.
Hiten expects to double revenue within the next five years as MES diversifies its mix of customers and the industries it serves. This will be supported by expansion in Mexico, Vietnam, and Eastern Europe.
“Engineered supply chains,” replies Hiten when asked to condense MES into a sentence. “That is where we started and it is where our excellence lies.” 
After seeing how well the company operates, we couldn’t agree more.
Emblem of Satisfaction 
“MES manages the entire casting supply chain globally. They are a logistics company with roots in casting.” – Forrest Hills, Eaton
“MES needs to specify which products they are using. If they are not going to diversify, they need to specify that they are a casting company instead of a logistics company or supply chain solution. It can be a misunderstanding of what they are offering. They are only in castings.” – Juan Carlos, Acuity 
“MES is a castings supplier.” – Elizabeth Johnson, Hubbell
“MES employees ask questions and find ways to meet our company’s needs.” – Robert Davis, Insight Lighting
Source: The 10 Most Recommended Logistic Tech Solution Providers, 2018