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Look Ahead at 2023 Warehouse Automation Trends

Experts project the U.S. warehouse automation industry to grow and be worth $21.7 billion this 2023. This is welcome news, considering over 80% of the country’s warehouses lack automation.

Automation is vital to warehouses as it reduces human errors while boosting productivity. It also cuts safety risks and resource waste, optimizes space, and improves workflows. All these result in lower operating costs and higher revenues.

So if you have yet to automate your warehouse, there’s no better time than now. Below are the top 2023 warehouse automation trends that will help you understand why, so read on.

Increased Adoption Due to Labor Shortages 

In a 2022 survey, nearly 3 in 4 warehouse operators said they couldn’t find enough labor. As a result, over half struggled to meet increased fulfillment demand.

Staffing issues in the warehouse industry also caused many businesses financial losses. For example, nearly 2 in 3 surveyed companies lost 25% of revenue due to a lack of staff in 2022.

While labor shortages may ease slightly this 2023, they’ll still be a huge concern. Thus, they’ll drive companies to rely more on the warehouse automation market.

Better Automation Software 

In typical warehouses, technologies used often have their very own software. Each then links to a warehouse management system (WMS). On top of these is another individual transport management system (TMS).

All those different technologies make data entry, analysis, and tracking time-consuming.

The good news is that automation software solutions now offer consolidation features.

For example, according to the folks at CartonCloud, you can now find software with both WMS and TMS. You can even integrate it with other solutions and enjoy automated invoicing. It can also come with barcode scanning and printing and mobile app access.

Such warehouse innovations provide a nearly one-stop shop for your operations. With this, you may only need to train your staff for one platform. That can help further reduce confusion and cut error-related costs.

Robotic Technologies

Robots are also set to shape the future of warehouse automation. These include autonomous mobile robots (AMRs), automated guided vehicles (AGVs), and aerial drones.

An AMR device can move around without a human guide. Still, it can work safely with humans since its sensors keep it from crashing into people. It can also help reduce hazards by taking on jobs too dangerous for people.

AGVs can move inventory all around a warehouse. They don’t require a human operator as they often follow magnetic stripes or tracks on floors.

Aerial drones can also help optimize warehouse processes through location scanning. For example, your staff can use them to find the exact aisle for specific products. You can also integrate them with AMRs or AGVs.

With all those benefits, robot use will likely be a huge trend this 2023 and beyond.

Follow These Warehouse Automation Trends

Now you know that increased adoption is one of the top warehouse automation trends this 2023. As a result, solution providers will also improve their offers to stay viable in the market. Robots will also become more common to help with productivity and safety.

So, as a warehouse operator, consider following these trends to help boost profits.

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