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Libelium: Powering the IoT Revolution

The fragmentation of the Internet of Things (IoT) market is the only way to manage the whole value chain at any point of time, from hardware sensors to data analytics, both in geographic areas and business development opportunities. There is a big mess due to the lack of standards and clear roles in companies. This fact is evidenced that we are diving in a fast evolving market where game rules are constantly in motion. In this sense, there is a rising demand of horizontal perspective for a market that needs interoperability, not only related to the hardware devices but also in the communication protocols, cloud services and the applications developed in any IoT project.
Libelium is one of the leading global IoT solution provider companies, which designs and manufactures IoT tools to deploy wireless sensor networks to create fast and reliable solutions for the Smart Cities and Internet of Things market. Waspmote, the wireless sensor platform, created by Libelium, is a modular, open-source system that can be integrated with any cloud platform for storing and processing data in the cloud through any communication protocol. Libelium’s wireless sensor platform is active in projects of great economic and social impact to address the great challenges humanity faces in this century. In fact, Libelium sensors are helping to prevent pests and improve productivity in agricultural crops. It is helping to reduce pollution and traffic in several intelligent cities. Libelium has been involved in projects to predict volcanic activity. It is also helping to universalize access to a health system to populations far from hospitals. Libelium has even arrived in space on board a satellite to study solar storms.
Meet the Dynamic Duo of Libelium
Alicia Asín is CEO and co-founder of Libelium. Alicia is a computer engineer focused on how the IoT can change our world. She is a frequent speaker at international conferences on issues related to Smart Cities, the Democracy of the IoT based on the big data and the importance of security and privacy in the new IoT era.
Alicia has been awarded for her entrepreneurial merits and technological innovation. She is the first Spanish woman to receive the National Young Entrepreneurs Award in 2014. Recently, in October 2017, Alicia Asín has received the Award “Rey Jaime I” from His Majesty the Queen of Spain, the highest distinction for scientists, researchers, and entrepreneurs.
David Gascón, Co-Founder and Chief Technical Officer of Libelium, is a Computer Engineer from Computer Engineer by the Polytechnic Center of Zaragoza. David’s main research areas are the Wireless Sensor Networks (now commonly named as the “Internet of Things”), Mesh Networks and the Self Emergent and Auto organizational Complex Systems as show his development in the creation of two protocols for the Internet based on the ant colony and other swarm insect behaviors (Marabunta, Enjambre). He has been awarded by the MIT with the TR35 prize as the most important innovator fewer than 35 in Spain (2012).
Distinctive Offerings from Libelium
There are always three common elements in every IoT project: sensors, communication protocols and cloud services and hence, Libelium have a big problem for interoperability. That is exactly the problem team Libelium is solving in the IoT value chain. They have developed a horizontal IoT platform able to offer different solutions for the main current markets and productive sectors. Their wireless sensor platform enables to connect more than 120 sensors to any cloud platform through 20 radio communication protocols including long, medium and short range and, of course, the latest LPWAN radios. It is very difficult to find another platform in the IoT market with this horizontal approach and with so many interoperability capacities.
Benefits for Clients
Libelium’s solutions are very well positioned in terms of quality and price in the IoT sector. The company offers the widest certified platform in the market and its sensors have obtained a high performance in precision tests. This fact adds capillarity, for example, to smart cities projects where the sensors are able to complement other professional devices like special sonometers or gas sensors that offer the highest precision but not enough coverage due to their expensive prices.
Libelium’s Message to the Policy Makers and Business Leaders
Do not wait for the ultimate technology as it will never happen. We feel that frozen investments in digitalization will never see the light if decision makers stay stopped waiting for the last cutting edge novelty. The key is being resilient and interoperable enough.”
Future Plans
Libelium and its team is firmly convinced that the potential of the IoT market is infinite and the development is going to be exponential in the near future. The Internet of things will affect all markets: cities, logistics, security, agriculture, health, home automation, energy… Any process can be optimized if its variables can be measured, analyzed and used in decision-making processes. The opportunities are endless, it takes a whole legion of companies and entrepreneurs that are dedicated to create sensors, install them and create applications for a smarter world.
In this sense, Libelium’s strategic growth plan is based on the construction of a solid IoT ecosystem for mutual collaboration, especially with startups and big system integrators to develop new smart solutions. “We want to continue betting on generating an ecosystem of innovative and technological companies around Libelium. For this reason, we have an international network of more than 100 companies”, says Alicia.
Libelium is extending its IoT value chain developing a complete ecosystem of partners that are joining their platform not only as cloud service providers or system integrators but also as hardware device partners or radio communication manufacturers. The aim is to offer interoperability in the whole value chain, from sensors and devices to data management in the Cloud.

Source :- The 10 Most Promising IoT Solution Providers 2018