Leadership and Success

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Success is a mindset! When things happen in our environment it can affect how we think and therefore it can affect our outcomes. The key to success is nurturing our mindset, keeping it strong and ensuring that we create a secure foundation so that we can thrive.
With the year that was many businesses choose to close their doors. I absolutely get how they could not see a future or maybe they were already struggling and that was the final straw. As an entrepreneur I am used to the highs and lows of business, the passion for what I do fuels me through the lows to get innovative about new ways to produce cashflow. This keeps business interesting and me on my toes as a business owner. Setting the intention always brings results. It is when the passion goes that the cash flow dissipates. I am drawn to remember some advice I received that struck a chord with me during one of my less fruitful periods.
“It’s the loss of passion to create new streams of cash flow that is the reason businesses fail”
Yes, it is important that there is a demand for our products but ultimately businesses fail because the person who is passionate about it gives up. I absolutely get it, there have been many times when I have wanted to step back, and I adore what I do but generating cashflow to fund growth and keep things moving along can feel heavy. However, it all works out somehow and I end up on an upward trajectory.
One thing I have noticed is that when the well dries up, it is usually for a reason that entails taking another route to the destination. The energy that fuels the endeavour is waning. I soon realise that I have been missing something and this will help me shift onto the right track and then it is full steam ahead again. A shift in perspective and quite often a break or time out, so that I see the solution more clearly, is a secret remedy to most slumps.
My top 3 tips for business who feel like they are failing are:

  1. Think outside of the box. Nothing is ever as bad as it seems, there is always a solution.
  2. Take a break, go for a walk, step back from the situation and you will see a solution more clearly.
  3. Leverage your connections.

As much as 2020 was tough for some, my business along with many others thrived. The drawn-out time in quarantine meant that business owners and aspiring authors took the time to tick the box of writing their books. There were also more people reading books. It is a publisher’s dream.
The beginning of 2021 came with the new phenomenon of Clubhouse, which at first, I did not quite get it but then I soon seen the potential for building strong and valuable connections and to become more visible in social circles I may not have ever encountered otherwise. As a natural born giver who shows up authentically in every arena, I loved the opportunity to give value to others through my words but also appreciated the insights and introductions I received from like-minded people who were on the platform for the same reasons I was.
I don’t see Clubhouse going away anytime soon, it is genius and with the amount of high-profiles showing up to contribute and connect it is a high value platform.
I have observed Clubhouse filling up the days of many and am curiously watching the benefits stack up in their favour. I do hope that this is the best thing ever for those who are investing time in the platform.
Where we focus our energy is what will flourish in life and business. It is important to be mindful of this but not to deprive ourselves of the things we enjoy doing just because there is work to be done. In fact, I would go as far as to suggest that if you are not doing a job that makes you heart sing then maybe you should take a moment to check in with your life to see if you are aligned with your hopes, dreams, or goals for your life. If the answer is no to feeling that balance, then maybe the following tips will help:

  1. Identify something positive that you can add or detract from your life right now that will enhance your experience of life. It can be as little as finishing 30 mins early!
  2. Mindfully make an effort to spend some extra time with someone you enjoy the company of.
  3. Know that we move through seasons in life and it is ok to adapt your life to accommodate a renewed direction.

Life is for living and we should get to know what a successful life means to us. For me it is fulfilling my ambitions whilst not compromising my core values. That ensures that all my wins feel like a celebration and not a compromise.

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