Would you mind sharing your strategies to expand your corporate audiences?
Sharing daily updates on themes that I’m passionate about and want to have a voice around, including minority-owned and small businesses, how corporates can support these kinds of businesses in order to help them reach their full potential, and the economic impact that has, supply chain issues and as I have a daughter with Down Syndrome I also like to share updates and innovations within this community.
How much of your professional and personal life do you share on LinkedIn? How much does it affect your audience?
I try to show both my personal and professional side on LinkedIn. And actually, I find that they really do mesh as so much of what I do outside of work compliments my “day job” for example, always being involved in both of my daughters’ lives and activities reminds me that women possess leadership skills at a young age and their goals and dreams should be fostered to ensure they succeed.
What are your thoughts on expanding business over digital platforms?
I think social media and LinkedIn are great places to develop and expand business goals as it’s crucial that clients, potential clients, and businesses that are looking at our Business Diversity program as they start to construct their own know what we’re doing; see our goals come to fruition. We doubled our diverse supplier spend this year, and I thought it was very important that people know that and see how in 7 short years, we’ve made a real difference. People and companies need to see that goal come to fruition and are measured for real success.
What is it like to connect with valuable people? Share with us your best experience over LinkedIn?
We are in the business of helping small minority-owned businesses reach their full potential and create greater economic stability in their communities, so LinkedIn is a great place for me to connect with new diverse suppliers and learn about what our suppliers are doing-innovations, etc.; and vice versa. I also utilize the LinkedIn tool quite a bit from a conference standpoint as I’m on the road speaking at various supplier diversity events, and it allows me a great opportunity to connect with the people I’ve met at these important events and take the conversations forward.
What advice would you give to aspiring people to expand their connections?
Spend some time each week reaching out to new contacts or look to see if the contacts that are in your phone or your email address book are also your LinkedIn contacts, a lot of times, I think people miss this step, and it’s great to expand all of your relationships into social when possible.