Karin Volo: Empowering Businesses with Cultural Transformation

Karin Volo | CEO & Chief Joy Bringer | Evoloshen

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Businesses thrive on proven leadership hacks! And, one of the most promising corporate practices is creating the happiest and motivated workforce, which ultimately leads to happy customers.

Organizations that emphasize on revitalizing the work culture with leadership skills receive exponential growth. Today, employee engagement is not an option anymore; rather it has become a necessity to drive growth for companies, business leaders, and employees!

This was very well understood by CEO and Chief Joy Bringer of Evoloshen, Karin Volo. She has been empowering organizations with her unique cultural transformation model, which involves educating employees and top management professionals. She has expertise with conversational intelligence, masterminding, and one-on-one leadership coaching.

By imparting caring cultures at workplaces, Karin aims to create a productive environment for companies and their employees.

We at Insights Success caught up with Karin to learn more about her exciting journey of mentoring business leaders with Evolvoshen.

Let us look into the interview highlights below:

Brief our audience about your journey as a business leader until your current position at Evoloshen? What challenges did you have to overcome to reach where you are today?

My early career was in Executive Search, headhunting, coaching, and mentoring both in the United States and in Europe. After a major life crisis that lasted four years, my work pivoted. I was drawn to teaching a lot of the tools I’d learned to manage during the most difficult time in my life. This led to writing books, inspirational speaking, and corporate training. The book Engage! was the catalyst in creating my current company, Evoloshen, where we help transform business through culture. I believe in empowering people in their work so that they feel passionate, engaged, and are highly productive. It’s a win-win for both employees and companies.

Tell us something more about Evoloshen, its mission and vision.

Evoloshen’s purpose is bringing joy to the workplace. We do this through inspiration and teaching empowering tools. There are three main pillars we focus on under the umbrella of culture: engagement, purpose, and trust. We have programs and strategies for companies and leaders that help to bring out the best of an organization.

Enlighten us on how you have made an impact in the mentoring niche through your expertise in the market.

Evoloshen has a big impact on several levels. We support, mentor, and coach top management to create a high trust and caring culture. We offer proven companywide training and certification programs that teach employees with empowering skills and hands-on tools they can use immediately. We also facilitate team leadership learning and masterminding. Evoloshen has a team of incredible trust-based leadership coaches that can work one-on-one with leaders and employees to support them as well. The combination of these programs and services has a direct positive impact on the well-being of the people and the bottom line of an organization.

Undeniably, technology is playing a significant role in almost every sector. How are you leveraging technological advancements to make your solutions resourceful?

Evoloshen had already offered online training and programs globally, prior to 2020. We were able to pivot quickly to 100% virtual trainings in 2020 and simply scaled up our work during that time, supporting many companies during some challenging times. We are looking forward to offering live training again but the last couple of years have proven that it is possible and cost-efficient to invest in all the employees and do training together. It helps to have everyone learning and growing together and what we’ve seen is that it “super boosts” the culture and connection of the employees. It’s like putting the culture on steroids! So, we will continue with using technologies for our online work. One other aspect of Evoloshen is that we are creating a microlearning platform offering to both private clients with customized training and individuals who are interested in topics around culture, engagement, trust, conversational intelligence, resilience, self-leadership. and have much more to come!

If given a chance, what change would you like to bring in the employee engagement industry?

I’d love leaders to understand the value of investing in their employees and the positive impact this has on the bottom line. It becomes an easy step to take when CEO’s and CHRO’s can see the impact and results. I do believe we’ll get to a point in the future where we won’t need to talk about employee engagement because it will become the norm. But we have a LOT of work to do before! According to Gallup, only 20% of the global workforce is engaged and 80% are not. The solution is proactively working on creating high trust caring cultures where people feel valued. This drives the high-performance team that leaders want to see.

What, according to you, could be the next big change in cultural transformation? How is Evoloshen preparing to be a part of that change?

We are currently dealing with the Great Resignation. The future of businesses will depend on creating a culture and a company that both employees and customers love because of its bigger purpose. We are seeing a great divide between purpose-driven companies and toxic organizations. Purpose-driven companies with caring cultures will more easily attract top talent and have an obvious competitive edge. Toxic companies that are damaging the planet and their people are simply not sustainable and will not survive. Plus, we are about to experience 100 years in change with technologies from 2022 to 2026. We need to have an agile, fast-moving mindset in companies. This is the wakeup call for leaders to pay attention, right now because nothing can stop this movement. We are going into a few chaotic years until the dust settles. Evoloshen can be a great support to leaders, their employees, and their organizations for all these emerging trends and changes!

What would be your advice to budding entrepreneurs who aspire to venture into the organizational development sector?

It is vital for any entrepreneur to have clarity in their purpose and have passion for their work. That is what will get you through tough times. If you only start a business for money or to make an exit, you may succeed, but your life may feel very empty in the end. I’ve coached so many leaders in mid-life who have experienced what looks like success on the outside, but inside they are miserable. Having a bigger purpose will give you meaning and keep you going no matter what. When you have that for yourself, do the same with the company you want to build. So, my advice is to start with the purpose and passion, first and foremost! The rest will follow.

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