Emotional courage and determination are two utmost important qualities, that successful business leaders possess. It takes emotional courage in both life and business to achieve substantial success. Emotional courage to grab the opportunities and to make a tangible difference, and determination to pursue the commendable goals. These are all essential ingredients of influential and successful business leaders. Positive energy of leaders are infectious and passed onto team members, allowing the team to deliver performance to its best abilities.
If a leader is courageous enough to take calculated risks and establish the business then in due time, he or she will have the skillset to execute and the courage to follow through. These skillsets when accompanied by technical excellence can result in a brilliant outcome. Stamped Engineering Corporation is one such outcome of Jeenu Riat’s wise business acumen and technical abilities.
Being a fourth-generation engineer from her father’s side, being technical was in Jeenu Riat’s DNA and therefore it was natural that she chose to become an aerospace engineer. Jeenu founded Stamped Engineering Corporation in 2017 to fulfill a niche in the market for customizable and adaptive innovative engineering support. Stamped Engineering focuses on providing multidisciplinary engineering consulting services that are scalable and use a fresh innovative approach to tackle traditional bottlenecks. Currently, Jeenu is serving as the President and CEO of the company.
Being Inspired by Books, Einstein, and Daughter
When it comes to books, Jeenu reads a combination of works related to spirituality, metaphysics, and multidisciplinary engineering textbooks. She says that she is most influenced by Einstein and his statement “Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.” As she is a woman, so Jeenu likes to think had Einstein been alive today, he would have modified this statement to include women also.
Moreover, Jeenu’s 8-year-old daughter, Amber, continues to influence her. She says that her daughter is the most confident little girl she has ever met, as her daughter encourages Jeenu by saying, “Mom, keep going, you’re not there yet.” Thus, Jeenu continues to pursue new heights and tries to meet and hopefully one day exceed her daughter’s standards.
Adding Technical, Economic and Social Value
Jeenu’s passion is inventing in areas that add social and technical value. Having an education in the field of engineering created a path for her gaining technical knowledge and experience. Jeenu tells that if one wants to produce solutions that are of social, technical, and economic value it is important to stay focused.
Growing Stronger through Challenges
Soon after Jeenu incorporated Stamped Engineering and selected a location, she was diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer. With an uncertain future ahead, she decided to streamline her efforts on staying positive and completing radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery all while getting Stamped Engineering off the ground. She is thankful to say both endeavors have been successful.
Jeenu tells that 2017 posed a tough economic climate to start an engineering business in Alberta, however, she was appreciative to have found a niche and a loyal client base, and then soon after, the Pandemic hit! Jeenu believes that what does not kill you makes you stronger. No matter the circumstances Jeenu prefers to still pivot, adapt, and constantly learn. Stamped Engineering and her team are using these tools to miraculously grow. She, like many other businesses, had 6 major contracts put on hold the day after the lockdown regulations were imposed. She says that with a focus on innovation, it was time to pivot again and direct their energies into their own passion projects such as converting waste to energy.
Continuing to Innovate
Covid-19 Pandemic has morphed traditional expectations on the ways businesses are conducted. As Stamped Engineering was already set up for remote access prior to the Pandemic to provide work life balance for its team members, as such they seamlessly made the transition. The company had to adapt and pivot recognizing its clients and their needs had changed. They noticed their clients no longer required day to day in person, and on-site operational support. As such, it is focused on troubleshooting for clients, patent support for product inventors, providing expert testimony for litigations, and continued innovating its passion projects.
Adapting Latest Technologies
In addition, Stamped Engineering Corporation’s offerings support a wide range of industries, while adapting the latest technologies to provide economic and feasible solutions to traditional problems. By doing things differently, the company arrives somewhere new and exciting, and their clients really appreciate getting value added solutions. Its target audience is diverse and so are their offerings, which have helped their team endure and adjust to new business needs during the Pandemic.
Providing Clean Energy
Stamped Engineering Corporation is now focusing its energy on its very own waste to clean energy innovation that produces liquid biofuel, heat, and power. This is patent pending technology in North America and is a game changer when it comes to providing clean energy.
Contributing to Sustainable Development
Jeenu believes that business leaders should possess Passion, determination, flexibility, and emotional courage to adapt to a changing world. She believes Stamped Engineering Corporation’s innovation of converting organic waste to produce clean energy, heat, and electricity will be the next big shift in the Oil and Energy Industry. Stamped Engineering’s innovation is sustainable, environmentally responsible and solves waste management and waste utilization issues. This is something our future generations can be proud of.
Coupling Hard work with Courage and Commitment
Jeenu advises aspiring women entrepreneurs to set short term and long-term SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time Bound) objectives that are realistic and yet push them to keep moving. She advises them to always believe in themselves and trust their intuition. She instructs them to find their voice and know that their unique perspective brings value. She states that Hard work coupled with one’s emotional courage and commitment to purpose contributes to one’s success!