Instacart manufactures in house sanitizers for shoppers.

Instacart manufactures in house sanitizers for shoppers.

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This happened on the day when the world shut down and there were no more stores open anymore. Instacart said that they would provide their shoppers with a bottle of individually developed hand sanitizer. Instacart shoppers were in dismay and had refused to shop from there as they said that the company hadn’t been taking care of them during this crucial period.
Shoppers had demanded protective gear and needed instacart to provide hand sanitizers. This lead tot instacart working with a third party organisation and provide the consumers with their demand of sanitizer. They also wanted the organisers to add $5 per hazard payment and expand its sick leave policy. Due to the shortage of essentials such as sanitizers, Instacart developed its own brand with the help of a third party organisation.
The shoppers said that the company had been asking for handsanitizers since weeks and now the company was able to supply these so quickly. They were disappointed but happy that the company took so much time in providing them with the requirements but has now done so. The company stated that they were worried about their workers and customers.
The company also stated that they would provide 14 days of leave for part time workers and shoppers who had been diagonosed with COVID-19 or to those who had been been put into mandatory quarantine. The company has also enabled the tip option in the app.

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