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INCENTCO: A Pioneer in the Field of Performance Management Technology

Employee’s behaviour and performance plays a pivotal role in deciding the fate of any organization. Just getting the right people on-board is not enough these days. Nurturing them for the challenging future roles, evaluating their performance, giving them proper feedback, providing platform to upgrade skillsets, encouraging them with rewards and recognitions also plays a significant role in employee retention and is even beneficial for their overall productivity.
Due to these facets, organizations all around the world are now taking employee’s performance management software very seriously. This is the reason talent management market is a hot topic these days. INCENTCO is an organization that has built a strong repute of delivering cutting-edge performance management and employee engagement software all across the world. It is a leading name of HR technology space that has expertise in providing wide range of cloud-based solutions related to performance management, employee engagement, rewards and recognition, real estate solutions and more.
INCENTCO’s products have the ability to influence employee’s behaviour that can result in increased performance with the help of right tools and technology. The organization offers gamified SaaS platform to create and administer advanced performance management and exciting rewards programs. Their platform includes: a robust reward and recognition component, a gamified user portal and easy-to-use admin control, organization setup and hierarchy, performance dashboards, reporting tools and more.
Most of the companies do not offer all of the features in one single SaaS platform. This is where INCENTCO takes the lead. INCENTCO’s solutions eliminate the requirement of multiple vendors’ solutions to cater client’s needs. Their flagship technology does not require complicated integration and thereby saves a lot of critical IT resources and reduces implementation time as well.
INCENTCO’s trademark performance management technology was originally designed for the U.S. apartment industry that enabled managers to use points instead of free rent as an incentive. This approach was received very well among the targeted audience and the word-of-mouth publicity spread in such a manner that suppliers in that space approached INCENTCO and started requesting to use their platform. After that success, their technology found many recipients outside apartment industry as well, and is now being used in multiple industries for both employees and customers.
INCENTCO’s ‘pay-as-you-go model’ is a hit among customers
Client’s love their platform due to its easy-to-use and no IT integration requirement capability. Their ‘pay as you go model’ is a hit among customers that enables companies of all sizes and budgets to create their own custom programs based on their company’s KPI. It is common for a client to start with one program and then expand the scope throughout their organization as per their need. The efficiency and usability of INCENTCO’s product led them to earn numerous prestigious recognitions. The most notable among those was being recognized by a leading technology magazine among the Top 25 HR Technology Providers of 2017.
Qualities that are assisting INCENTCO to attract more clients
INCENTCO’s  technology offers a ‘one- stop shop’ solution that provide HR technologies that are easy to use, fast to implement, and affordable for any sized organization. This ease of use coupled with outstanding personalized service is winning customers trust and helping INCENTCO to expand its business footprint.
Captains of INCENTCO
Gerry Wiatrowski and Greg Smith are the Founders of INCENTCO. These leaders have been working together for over 20 years and with their shrewd knowledge, creative thought process and adept financial skill set, they are guiding the company towards the path of progression. These gentlemen have their specific roles and responsibility which they follow religiously. Gerry Wiatrowski is responsible for platform innovation, marketing and sales while Greg Smith manages and leads company operations including IT and redemption strategies.
‘Work from home’ is a growing trend in HR space
The world has witnessed an increased momentum towards people opting to work from home rather than traditional on premise jobs. Many companies provide flexibility in terms of working hours and even allow employees to work from home in many cases. Although this needs to be regulated carefully in order to achieve the quality of work while allowing work from home. For some employers allowing this (remote work) present several challenges. But INCENTCO has a solution for this concern as well, and this is one reason that INCENTCO’s solution has been well received in market.
INCENTCO’s future perspective
INCENTCO’s future endeavours will be to continue on its path to innovation. They are ready to continually upgrade their technology with the same consistency in order to make their products even easier to use for both their clients and participants while providing a scalable platform that can be used across all industries in the global marketplace.

Source :- The 10 Best Performing HR Technology Solution Providers 2018