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Humidifiers: Why Do People Use Them and What Are the Risks?

Humidifiers are popular household devices designed to add moisture to the air in a room. These appliances help alleviate nasal congestion, dry skin, and other respiratory issues, such as throat dryness, caused by low humidity levels. In this post, you will learn much about why people use humidifiers, the risks involved, and other essential things to consider before using one.

When Do People Use Humidifiers?

There are several reasons why people use humidifiers. Here is a look at some common issues you can eliminate with humidifiers.

  1. Dry Throat 

    Insufficient moisture in the air may lead to a dry throat. Increasing humidity in the air is necessary to improve the condition, as this lets more moisture enter the airways and subsequently alleviates the dry throat.

  2. Nose Irritation 

    Humidifiers can help moisten the nasal passage, which in turn can help alleviate nose irritation. If you get sick, the cells in your respiratory tract produce additional mucus, which may become sticky when it dries, making it hard to clear through blowing the nose or coughing. By increasing moisture in the air, humidifiers can help avoid the mucus from drying out and, in the process, prevent nose irritations.

  3. Bloody Noses 

    Nosebleeds are prevalent during the winter period or dry climates, as the air tends to be extremely dry. If the air in a room is too dry, the inside of your nose can become irritated, and the blood vessels may become prone to breaking, resulting in bloody noses. Thankfully, by adding moisture to the air, humidifiers can help keep the nasal passages moist, which lowers the likelihood of nosebleeds.

  4. Irritated Vocal Cords 

    When the air is too dry, your vocal cords may become dry and irritated, resulting in hoarseness, discomfort, or even vocal cord strain. The good news is that a humidifier can add moisture to the air, which helps keep the vocal cords hydrated and minimize the risk of irritation. This is especially crucial for singers, actors, public speakers, and tutors because they use their voices often.

  5. Dry Skin 

    Experienced dermatologists suggest that dry air can draw moisture from the skin, leading to feelings of irritation and itchiness. Using a humidifier can help counter this effect as it adds moisture to the air, which can lessen the discomfort and help restore the skin’s natural radiance. It is wise to use humidifiers during the winter months because it helps relieve symptoms of itchy and dry skin.Low testosterone levels, human growth hormone deficiency, and prolactin imbalance can also cause dry skin. Human growth hormone plays a crucial role in skin health, muscle development, energy levels, etc. Therefore, taking care of your overall well-being and being mindful of getting proficient HGH prescription online is essential.

  6. Dry Cough 

    During winter, the air tends to be drier than normal due to heating systems’ usage. The dry air can irritate the nasal passages and worsen allergy symptoms, such as dry cough and sneezing. By adding moisture to room air, a humidifier can help ease these symptoms and make the air more comfortable to breathe.

  7. Cracked Lips 

    Dry air can shred the skin of its natural oils, causing the lips to become cracked, dry, and painful. Humidifiers add moisture to the air to help keep your lips supple and hydrated. And to make the best use of your humidifier and prevent the lips from drying out, it is essential to keep the humidity level between 30% and 50%.

What Are the Risks of Using Humidifiers?

While humidifiers can be beneficial, several risks are involved. Here are the risks and how you can mitigate them.

  1. Expelling Too Much Moisture 

    Humidifiers add moisture to the air, but keeping the humidity level in check is vital. Excessive moisture in the air may lead to various problems, such as mold growth, which harms your health. Too much moisture can also cause damage to the walls, furniture, and other household items. The general rule of thumb is to maintain a humidity level of between 30% and 50%.

  2. Bacterial Growth from Dirty Humidifiers 

    If not cleaned regularly, humidifiers can be a breeding haven for bacteria. The water in the humidifier may become stagnant, offering a perfect environment for bacteria growth. Turning on the humidifier might expel the bacteria into the air and potentially cause respiratory issues. It is advisable to clean the humidifier regularly with soap and water and change the water daily.

  3. Potentially Release Minerals and Microorganisms 

    Some humidifiers can release minerals and microorganisms into the air, resulting in respiratory problems for some individuals. For instance, an ultrasonic humidifier can release white dust caused by minerals in the water. This emission harms individuals with respiratory problems because the dust irritates the lungs. It is recommended to use demineralization cartridges or distilled water to prevent the emission of minerals into the room.

  4. Potential Mold Growth 

    Mold can grow in humidifiers, mainly if you don’t clean them regularly. Remember that mold spores released into the air cause respiratory issues. It is crucial to clean the humidifier often. Plus, it helps if you use a humidifier with an inbuilt humidistat to prevent over-humidification.


Humidifiers are valuable to home appliances that help alleviate dry air and several respiratory allergies. However, you must know the risks involved in their daily use. By monitoring the room’s humidity level and cleaning the humidifier regularly, you can reap the benefits of a humidifier while lowering the risks. If you have issues or concerns about humidifiers, feel free to consult healthcare experts or professionals in indoor air quality.

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