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How to Transfer Utilities to Your New Apartment

When people create a checklist for moving, most of them would be focused on packing their items or finding a cheap moving company. Canceling and transferring utilities often get neglected in the fray, which is a shame because utilities are one of the most important aspects of home living.
Forgetting about your utilities can result in penalties or fees, so our homegrown experts from this company have put together a little guide to show you how to transfer your utilities before your big long distance move.

Start The Preparation Process Early

One of the most common reasons people leave utility transfers until later is because they don’t want to cancel their utility subscriptions until they’re sure they’re leaving. Of course, nobody wants to be without electricity or water just because they transferred utilities prematurely. However, doing things last minute is not the answer either.
Ideally, you want to transfer utilities at least a month before your move date. Utility companies are not obligated to make the process easier for you, so if they take a long time canceling your utility services, there’s nothing you can do about it. Starting early means that even if there are hiccups along the way, you’ll be done with the process before your move date.

List Down All Utilities You Are Responsible For

There are two types of utilities: those that you have to pay for yourself and those inclusive of your rent or your neighborhood’s association expenses. Utilities that you are responsible for include:

  • Electricity
  • Water
  • Gas
  • Internet
  • Phone
  • Cable

Utilities that you pay for as part of the rent or your homeowner’s association may include:

  • Security
  • Garbage disposal or recycling
  • Maintenance

The utilities you are responsible for yourself are those you need to process. Go through each utility one by one and list down all the essential information about that utility, including the provider’s name, your account name or number, provider’s contact information, provider’s payment methods, and information, and the average amount you pay for every month.
For utilities that others pay for on your behalf, talk to the person in charge and notify them about your move. Make sure that they will take care of it, and nothing further needs to be done on your end.

Notify Your Old Providers

The next step is to contact each provider and let them know you are moving. Then, you can choose between simply canceling the service or merely transferring it to your new address. When it comes to your electricity or water services, there are different providers for each state, so you may need to cancel that. For providers of Internet or cable services, they might also serve the area where your new home is located, so remember to ask them before canceling.
Tell your providers your move-out date and request a termination of service on that date to prevent additional expenses later. If you want to transfer the service instead of canceling it, give your provider your new address and start the process of moving your service from your old home to your new one.

Make Sure You Pay Off Your Utility Balance

Once you start with the transfer or cancellation process, it’s time to look over every utility and ensure that your balances are paid off. Unpaid balances can lower your credit score and mess with your moving budget.
In some cases, you may even need to go back and forth from your new and old home because you have to solve disputes, which can get pretty inconvenient. To be on the safe side, notify each provider of your new address, so if any new bills get sent out, you will receive them.

Follow Up on Utility Services at your New Home

Of course, you’d want your utilities at your new home to be up and running as soon as you arrive. To ensure a smooth and hassle-free move, start processing your new utilities as soon as you can. Meet with the landlord, ask about utilities, and determine which ones you are responsible for, and which will be part of your rent expense.
Ask your landlord if they have any preferred providers or if they can help you connect with those providers. For utilities that you need to set up on your own, you must go to your new location’s county or city office.

Do Final Meter Checks

On moving day, go around the house and check your meters for any activity. If the provider still hasn’t disconnected the service, write down your meter readings and take a picture for reference later on.
With services like your Internet connection, you may be required to return equipment to the company once you cancel or transfer your service.
Transferring and canceling your utilities may seem like an added nuisance to the whole apartment moving process. Still, it is your responsibility as a tenant to get your utilities up and running at your new apartment and that you resolve any obligations with your old provider. Starting early and being meticulous with the process ensures that your utilities won’t get in the way of a peaceful and dispute-free moving process.