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How to take turmeric for inflammation?

Turmeric is a plant which is commonly grown in Asian countries and in some other countries as well as we know it is one of best and commonly used ancient medicine has a lot of health benefits and numerous uses.
You can find it in every kitchen as a spice that gives curry yellow colour but other than that it has a lot of healing properties, anti-fungal properties and a lot more.
It consists of so many active ingredients inside it and one of the best and most effective active ingredients is curcumin which shows so many magical effects on the body with maybe no or very few side effects until or unless you are allergic to it.
So being a natural medicine with a lot of benefits that have been mentioned in Ayurveda text it is a good option to use for treatment plus point is it is easily available I mean in every house. You can find out the curcumin & turmeric differences on the web and can get the details on how turmeric beats inflammation.
The benefits of turmeric are a lot. Some of these are:
As turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-oxidant properties all these enhance its use in different diseases and treatments, such as:

  • Beneficial in pain
  • Beneficial in rheumatoid arthritis
  • Joint pain
  • Headache
  • Heartburn
  • Renal diseases
  • Colitis
  • Digestive issues etc

As we know that inflammation plays a major role in so many  diseases but turmeric is very beneficial against thAs Turmeric consists of some active ingredients and one of the active ingredients called curcumin plays a major role against inflammation
Curcumin is an inflammation blocker that works against inflammation effectively in comparison to so many other drugs, also it has the least side effects so can be considered as a good option against this.
According to ayurvedic texts, turmeric can be used against internal and external inflammation to treat pain, fatigue, burns, rheumatism.
When inflammation starts affecting body tissue due to some chronic conditions, you can take turmeric it is very beneficial.
According to a study, a person suffering from an ulcerative digestive issue who took two grams of curcumin after prescription feels so much better in some times than those who are taking just the other medications.
So it’s good to take turmeric in cases of inflammation. It is highly beneficial and has been proven. Again turmeric vs curcumin is always the dilemma that readers get confused about, so do in-depth research about it.
In market turmeric and turmeric extract, curcumin is easily available in the form of powder, capsules, tea, etc.
So you can take it in any way but in the right and prescribed dosage after consultation.
It’s fine to take 500-2000 mg turmeric per day but should not taken for a long time without consultation
Who should not take turmeric
Patient of gallbladder diseases
Patients with kidney stones
Patients of diabetes
Patients with bleeding disorders
Patients of jaundice
Patients with iron deficiency
Also if you are taking medicine for some other diseases sometimes less to harmful interaction.
Long term use and high dosage sometimes lead to – allergic reactions, stomach pain, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea and vomiting but also can be seen in short-term users.