Hundreds of tech products are released into the market every year and only a few catch on. This happens for many reasons, but poor marketing is one of the main ones. Technology companies often fail to advertise their products effectively to the right audience and this affects sales and prevents their products from being massively adopted.
Technology companies that fail to brand themselves and market their products will likely be put out of business quickly. This is why it is essential that they work with a reliable technology marketing agency.
A technology marketing agency like Envisionit that understands the technology industry and has marketing experts at its disposal can help technology companies create digital marketing strategies to put their products in front of the right audience.
What Is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing is the act of advertising products and services online through various channels like social media, search engines, websites, software applications, email, and other platforms that people regularly visit. Technology companies are increasingly using it in place of traditional advertising because it costs less and allows them to target the demographic most likely to use their products.
A lot of companies try to do their technology marketing themselves but it is not always successful. This is because their specialty is in technology and building applications, and they usually lack the expertise needed to communicate their product features to the mass market. Some even spend almost all of their budget on building their products and next to nothing on advertising, with the belief that the product will sell itself. This is often the wrong approach, as a tech product can be great but without adequate exposure, it will remain largely unused.
If you own a technology company, it is worth noting that many tech products are being released yearly, and some of those products might have similar features to yours. The companies making those products may also be running digital marketing campaigns, so your brand has to stand out and be appealing to a large audience. Outsourcing your advertising to the right agency will take care of this for you. It will lift a significant burden off your shoulders and let you focus on the core aspects of your business.
Choosing the Right Technology Marketing Agency
Selecting the right technology marketing agency can make or break your tech company. The one you choose to work with must be well-versed in technology and understand the industry so they know the marketing strategies that work and those that should be avoided. Before making a final decision, consider the following tips:
Spell out your marketing goals
Before approaching any technology marketing agency, you and your management team should discuss and plan your marketing goals in detail. Spell out what you want to achieve in the short and long term and how you believe the agency can help you get there.
This will give you a clear vision that you can communicate to an agency’s marketing experts. It will also help you and the agency agree on key performance indicators you can use to monitor their progress.
Research the agency’s expertise and experience
Research and analyze the expertise and experience of every technology marketing agency on your shortlist. Look at their track record and find out the types of clients they have worked for previously. How successful were the campaigns they ran? Comb through the list of services they offer and verify that the ones you need to achieve your marketing goals are listed.
Find information about their reputation and read past client feedback
The reputation of a technology marketing agency usually results from the quality of services they have provided clients in the past. You can find the general sentiments people have about a marketing agency by reading posts that mention their name on social media, blogs, and news sites.
It will also be best to read the online reviews other organizations have written about the agencies you are considering. Online reviews provide insight into other companies’ first-hand experience working with different agencies, so you can use it to decide if they are worth your time.
Analyze the qualifications of their marketing team
Behind the curtains of a technology marketing agency are the experts who do the work. If you can find out the qualifications of these experts to determine if they fit the profile of people you believe can get you the results you want. Reliable marketing agencies usually have LinkedIn accounts and their experts tend to link their accounts to that company account. You can find the accounts of these professionals and examine their profiles to determine their qualifications.
Discuss the marketing strategy with the shortlisted agencies
As you implement the tips above, your list of marketing agencies will become shorter. Schedule meetings with the ones still on your list to discuss strategies that will enable your tech company to meet its goals. Observe how their experts tailor tested and trusted methods of advertising to meet your marketing goals. Ask how fast they can deliver results. Also find out how they will measure ad performance, monitor progress, and adjust their strategy if there is a need to. Proceed with the one that gives you the most satisfactory answer.
Balance price with value
Beware of agencies that try to overcharge your company. Find out the industry standard rate for the kind of digital marketing campaign you want to run. Use the range of prices you find to negotiate in good faith. Ensure that the price your company agrees on matches the quality of service you get. Try to negotiate a termination clause into the contract so you can work with a different company if you are not getting an appropriate return on your marketing investment.
Finding the right technology marketing agency to promote your tech company is crucial to its success. This is because your target audience needs to know your tech products exist so they can use them and help you make a profit. Resist the temptation to run the advertisements in-house if you do not have the right expertise because you might get a low return on ad spend, which can drive you out of business.