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How Engaging Animated Videos Can Draw New Customers

GoPro, Nike, and Rokenbok Toys are some brands that have been wildly successful with animated video sales. Today, Wordstream states that 51% of marketing professionals globally rate video as the most successful channel with the highest ROI. Animated videos stand out as an effective tool for effective communication. You can use them to grab attention and drive customer engagement rates.

Emotional Connections

Brands such as Coca-Cola have mastered leveraging emotions in video marking. Feelings drive watchers to do what you ask, regardless of whether that is buying your offering, subscribing, or sharing your video.

Animated videos excel at evoking emotions and telling captivating stories. You can create them with vibrant visuals and expressive characters that audiences can resonate deeply with.

Using the pain-agitate-solution scripting framework Phoenix video production, you can use these videos to explore customers’ pain points. By tapping into emotions, businesses can connect with their audience, inspiring trust and loyalty.

Conversion Rates

Using animated videos can significantly improve conversion rates. At the last stage of the buyer journey, potential purchasers have researched and know what they want. You can use animated videos to close the deal with USPs (unique selling propositions), us vs. the comparisons, or showcasing how the product/service can solve their challenges.

It will become so easy to persuade viewers to take the desired action. Exerts can help you use these videos to inspire customers to purchase, sign up for a service, or fill out a contact form. The engaging videos can help you close social media or company website deals.

Online Findability

Competition is tough, and it’s easy to down in the sea of online brands competing for customer attention. But did you know that search engines prioritize content with a rich user experience? Do you know animated videos can improve search engine optimization (SEO)? Yes, that’s right.

Incorporating animated videos on websites and social media platforms can increase user time spent on the site. It can reduce bounce rates and boost overall engagement metrics so that Google and other websites can rank your website higher.

You must provide meaningful information that adds value to your audience’s lives. Seek to provide solutions and break down complex subjects by trying animation video formats such as explainer videos or whiteboard animations.

Brand Experience

One of the biggest challenges brands experience today is staying in customers’ minds. Attention spans are growing shorter by the minute, based on expert reports. That means marketers must look at new ways to get an audience hooked.

Using animated videos can break the monotony of traditional content. Through imaginative characters and witty audio, you can deliver a critical message that resonates with the people and helps them take action.

Platform Integration

Today, marketers need to create and use multi-platform content. For instance, you can engage diverse audiences by creating videos that can serve both on your website, social media, and mobile platforms.

Animated videos are mobile-ready, and their compact file sizes ensure compatibility with the small screen. They can help your content to be shareable and consumable on tablets, smartphones, and tablets. Top brands have used these videos to achieve virility across platforms and hit sales targets.

Brand Presence

You cannot target everybody on the planet. By studying your audiences, needs, and media consumption habits, you can only create a successful animated video that makes your cash register ring. Animated videos are entertaining and visually appealing, so users might quickly share them online and help you go viral on social media.

Moreover, animated videos keep you consistent with branding regarding characters, logos, or color schemes. Unlike a commercial actor who quits after a month, you can have a single avatar represented for centuries.


Animated videos are mobile-ready and shareable. And because they are visually appealing and entertaining, you can foster deeper and more meaningful connections with your audiences.