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Gyanendra Kumar: Winning Trust of the Clients

Trust underscores his business. Not just in its name, infoTrust Singapore Pte. Ltd., but also in the core values that Gyanendra Kumar has framed with the acronym TRUST, “Teamwork, Reliability, Understanding, Service and Transparency.”
Gyanendra Kumar, CEO, infoTrust Singapore Pte. Ltd. is originated from a middle-class family of Allahabad in India. After graduating from the J.K Institute of Applied Physics & Technology, University of Allahabad in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, he began his career as a Software Engineer. Since his graduation days, he had a burning desire to start his own business. He tried to start a business just after graduation, but was not able to sustain because of lack of funds. After working for almost 15 years in leading national and multinational companies in India, USA and Singapore, with the support of his wife, he founded infoTrust Singapore Pte Ltd. in 2006.
Gyanendra derived his entrepreneurial spirit from his mother, who had always encouraged him to be enterprising. Her motivation gave him the conviction to start and sustain something that no one in his family had ever done before – to set up a business. The qualities like honesty and truthfulness that guided him in business, and life, he inherited from his father.
Investing Skills and Experience in Business
In the initial days, because of lack of investment and with no portfolio and satisfied clients, Gyanendra was gripped with the fear that he might not land any projects. He had to constantly remind himself to substitute that fear with faith in his skills in IT, which he had developed over 10 years of working in that sector. He was confident that he could provide good quality products and services at lower costs.
With this belief, he took his first project of a simple website. It had a billing value of SGD 600, but he executed it as it was worth much more, giving it his very best. This led to other projects until 2008, when he landed a big project for Trend Micro. This was followed by ST Electronics, which is now his regular client, along with Singapore’s Ministry of Defence. More projects rolled in and with time, infoTrust has earned accreditation from the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) to be recognized as an Infocomm Singapore Company.
Gyanendra did not have much capital to start with, but his biggest and most invaluable investment in infoTrust was his experience, which cannot be replaced nor replicated. This high value asset has taken infoTrust to where it is today.
Soon after setting-up his business in Singapore, Gyanendra expanded it to enter the markets of India, UAE and Europe. In India, they have set up a company named teamWork info Solutions Pvt. Ltd. teamWork complements the Singapore company through technology developments and sales businesses in Allahabad, Chennai and New Delhi. In UAE and Europe they have tied up with the firms for the sale of infoTrust products and services.
infoTrust: Simplifying the Complex Problems
infoTrust Singapore provides simple IT solutions for complex Business problems, from Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to Large Enterprises the world over.
As every customer has unique requirements, infoTrust Singapore came up with its Web Based Rapid Application development platform, teamWork for the development of web-based solutions. Solutions developed on teamWork framework could connect key stakeholders (management, employees, customers, vendors) of the business which enhances transparency; sets up organized process, uniform communications and provides integrated business intelligence.
Keeping a wide spectrum of services, infoTrust provides following products:

  • teamWork Frame Work – to build a web-based rapid application.
  • teamWork CRM (Customer Relationship Management).
  • teamWork EMS (Education Management Solution).
  • teamWork HCS (Health Care Solution).

infoTrust is about to launch its two new products:

  • B2B Lead Generator – App to generate business to business sales lead.
  • teamWork eCom-CRM – e-commerce Platform integrated with CRM.

A Piece of Advice to Aspirant Business People
Every industry/business has its own unique way of functioning. The ability of understanding the nitty-gritty of the different business & delivering industry-specific customized solution of infoTrust is highly valued by their clients. Flexibility & customization capability of the teamWork framework has helped infoTrust to provide solutions to different industries.
Anyone would describe infoTrust’s phenomenal growth as a success, but Gyanendra feels that success can be defined in many ways. Ultimately, he feels successful when he is content and at peace. To him, every project received is a success and every project completed is a success. He values the incremental growth of his business and, therefore, affirms, “Be patient, work smart and work hard, believing that the desired outcome will happen.” Giving a piece of advice to aspirant business people, he adds, “Get experience from the industry and be innovative. Think how you can add value to the customers in the existing market because of your expertise and through your business.”
Foreseeing the Future
With a vision to make IT solutions affordable to all businesses and his mission of “building a trusted relationship with customers, employees, organizations, society and stakeholders by providing innovative products and services in the field of IT,” Gyanendra has transformed infoTrust from a one-man startup into a formidable company comprising in-house project managers, IT systems engineers and IT developers. He aspires to develop infoTrust into an organization with staff strength of 1000 people.
Gyanendra aims to create jobs in small towns so that people don’t have to leave their hometown in search of jobs and increase the loads in already over populated metro cities. With this objective he setup his Software Development Centre in his own home town Allahabad and urges other entrepreneurs to do the same in their own home towns or villages they come from.