The internet has created a new economy that has already changed people’s perception of doing business while providing a convenient venue for B2B transactions. It has reached the point that every company must have a corporate presence on the internet in order to compete and survive in the marketplace.
Research shows that acquiring and retaining customers is one of the primary factors of the value chain, and better customer satisfaction increases the chances of profitability. The internet has made information about businesses easily available to customers. It also helps companies to cut costs, provides them an ability to do business 24 hours a day, and assists businesses in going global.
While the internet offers many advantages to both customers and businesses, it can also be confusingly complex. This is particularly true of the enormous category of organizations, products and services that are considered “sustainable”, the socio-ecological process that includes ideas and ideals as varied as housing and urban planning, agriculture and energy, production and conservation. GreenPages Directory Inc. was created to provide an easy-to-use platform with which individual entrepreneurs, innovators and large multinationals who have embraced or are in the process of embracing sustainability and sustainable practices can talk to—and receive feedback from—their customers. GreenPages Directory (GPD) is North America’s fastest growing online search directory for sustainable purchasing and healthier living.
Relevant Information made available through GreenPages
GreenPages Directory helps customers improve their purchasing decisions by connecting people seeking healthy options with companies offering innovative products and services, and by providing the most current information in the field of sustainability. With the current platform, GPD has attained a membership/listing base of over 26,000 business listings and have the largest database of accreditation organizations, certifications, and listings with those standards available worldwide.
GreenPages Directory filters and categorizes information related to sustainability and provides a forum for exchanging information and ideas. They make it possible for companies to communicate their environmental and social commitments, geographic location, certifications, standards, charitable activities and quantifiable benefits by selecting from a variety of search parameters on an intuitive, user-friendly interface they can easily manage and modify. Users can then refine their searches based on sustainability criteria they find relevant.
There is an abundant amount of information available over the internet, however, businesses and individuals are confused and it can be overwhelming to know what to do or what to buy. GreenPages Directory acts as a bridge, offering individual consumers and organizations the opportunity to find what they are looking for and where to get it and shows them which companies are striving for higher standards of business.
Overcoming the Hurdles and Paving the Way Towards Success
GreenPages Directory fills the obvious need for an online aggregator in this sector and since our founding the directory has undergone four iterations, with improvements based on customer feedback, the latest version coming out early 2018.
GreenPages Directory has the support of several top level investors who are committed to supporting the vision of becoming the leading online resource in this sector. To them, the strong vision, intelligence, resilience and an amazing team of committed people who want to help people make better choices are the factors contributing to their company’s success.
The Leader of GreenPages Directory
Every successful company is either led by a group of wise and intelligent people or a person with exceptional wisdom, intelligence and leadership skills. With an idea to offer the world with a choice to make decisions wisely, Connie Linder, Founder and President at GreenPages Directory, started the company to make tangible her commitment and to increase public awareness of available innovative solutions and make sustainable products and services more widely accessible. Connie is an entrepreneur and business strategist with a special interest in sustainability and innovative startups. The extraordinary deeds of this amazing woman have been recognized as one of Canada’s top leaders and sustainability professionals.
Connie is a passionate speaker who inspires audiences with examples of how business and social responsibility can co-exist. She also acts as mentor to aspiring entrepreneurs through the Women’s Enterprise Center, the University of British Columbia, the Minerva Foundation for BC Women, and the Women’s Executive Network. She has won numerous awards for her continued commitment towards integrating solutions into the marketplace that help the transition to a greener economy and is included in Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women list.
Connie is also a co-founder of a company that chemically recycles polyurethane waste and transforms into reusable polyol that can be reused in the manufacturing process. Her work was instrumental in the pre-commercialization stage of the company and with her contribution, the company received the prestigious BC Innovation Council’s New Ventures Award. In addition, She has also written policy documents that have successfully changed legislation regarding CRCE flow through incentives for renewables.
Connie has an MBA degree from the University of British Columbia, as well as securities and insurance licenses from the Canadian Securities Institute. She has studied business in Umea, Sweden, Freiburg, Germany and at the renowned HEC Paris and has wide ranging experience and expertise in many fields.
It is interesting to note that she is also a certified personal development counselor; and prior to working on her own start-ups, Connie worked for ten years as a change agent for private and public companies. She has explored various branches of the business world by being a successful strategist and writer of all forms of business documentation and communication materials, in addition to raising millions of dollars for early stage ventures.
Strong Vision and Resilience is taking GPD Forwards
In spite of the many hurdles, potholes and challenges that are a part of any innovative startup, the shared vision and the resilience of Connie and the team at GPD have helped to keep them going during difficult periods. Since the beginning days, Connie and the team have steadfastly held to the aim, goal and mission of the company. The beginning days were a bit difficult, no time is perfect for a business, there are always ups and downs. With Connie’s fortitude and guidance, GreenPages Directory carefully listened to the demands of the market, made wise decisions and further modified in order to make their product more useful. A strong vision, resilience and flexibility to meet the needs of both consumer and business alike has helped The Green Pages Directory to accomplish their mission and to continue to grow.
To Help Find the Answers of Why, Where and How
GreenPages Directory intends to be the central place where individuals and businesses will come to for the new economy. Recent growth and progress has made it likely that governments and businesses will soon be using the GreenPages Directory database for procurement. GPD believes that they have an important role to play as facilitators and educators for the new economy. As such, the company is focusing on developing in a way that would connect their consumers with information about the ‘Why’ and show them ‘Where’ and ‘How’.
The team at GreenPages Directory is currently developing their new interface that simplifies the user experience and makes it more relevant for them locally. “We spent thousands of hours interviewing our key markets and in response, have updated our business model and graphic interface to better communicate who we are, why we do what we do and how to access the wealth of information of the site.” said Connie. GPD has a partnership with PwC to create tools for listing companies to show where they fit as a baseline of sustainability metrics and the ways in which companies can improve. The Company plans to scale globally in the latest version of their platform, set to roll out by early 2018.
Source :- The 10 Fastest Growing Online Business Solution Providers 2017