Stress has become a pervasive part of the modern work culture, surrounding business leaders with ruthless competition and several responsibilities which can cause long-term health issues. To rescue the hard-working professional from overwhelming stress, Genesis Hey Krick created strategies to increase productivity and enhance the quality of life to achieve the balance of their personal and professional lives.
As the Founder and CEO of Dream, Ignite, Build Inc., Genesis provides individuals the tools to build the business of their dreams, living life on their terms. She is also a co-host on Thriving Women Talk, which airs E360TV weekly at 12:00 Eastern. It is a show that helps women feel empowered, enlightened, and encouraged by providing transformational content weekly consistently lifting women. Genesis is excited to co-produce a new reality show for busy parents and professionals that will be launched in April through Thriving Women Network on E360TV. Apart from being a Certified Life Coach, Genesis is highly family-oriented. Being a mother of four kids dramatically changed her way of living, prioritizing her kids and husband as she intends not to miss quality time with them. She believes that being conscious of time helps ensure that focus areas align with priorities. Genesis lives out what she trains her clients to do every day and uses her god-gifted talents to help others reach their most significant potential in life and business.
Every business field has gotten much more competitive, making it essential for businesses to often pivot towards coaches to value their gifting, which can unlock their potential to its extent and beyond. Genesis understands that trying to fit the mold of every single potential client is entirely unrealistic, thus making it a beautiful aspect of the executive coaching industry to choose how much one wants to share their knowledge at any given time. She believes that the most important thing is to leave your clients with a lasting impression that truly made a difference in their life.
The Teeterboard Journey
After earning her Master’s in Organizational Leadership, Genesis moved to Los Angeles and started her coaching business in 2009. She began her work in the heart of Beverly Hills, but things weren’t always easy. Ten years ago, Genesis started her organization and shortly after became a single parent, forced to navigate a difficult life, never giving up on the desire to change lives on a large scale. Through the challenges of having minimal support and many setbacks from doors closing to pounding the pavement, Genesis woke up one day and realized that she had been doing it all wrong. Instead of achieving massive unattainable goals every day, she decided to work toward the small achievable goals and provide results.
Genesis broke through the glass ceiling and shattered the limiting beliefs she once had, and pivoted from barely getting by to working with many high-end clients. She moved from living a poverty mindset to a wealth mindset simply by making different choices about priorities, habits and handling setbacks. Her life dramatically changed when she discovered that she could live the life she wanted by simplifying, thinking outside the box, and creating revenue in areas, never considered before.
Genesis is currently married with four beautiful children. She is a national speaker and provides group training, workshops, speaking engagements, and one-on-one coaching for her clients to help them reach the potential they never knew they had. She especially loves to speak about vision casting and dream mapping through strategic planning and time management planning.
Genesis has authored three books; Unleash Your Potential, Hey! Do you Need Exposure? and Shine On, a 60-day devotional. Currently, she is working on her fourth, The Time Freedom Lifestyle. She is also the founder of Crazy Mom T.V., a YouTube Series for busy moms managing it all.
Having garnered various life experiences, certificates, and credentials, Genesis says, “Life experience far exceeds education. I can relate to many entrepreneurs who are challenged with managing it all the time! Creating the Time Freedom Lifestyle Program has helped my family and me to go from surviving the day to thriving each day. I have guided 1000’s of entrepreneurs to create customized plans for success using color coding, star tracking, time blocking, time batching, strategic planning, goal setting methods, and so much more.”
Flame On!
Dream, Ignite, Build has evolved over the last ten years; achieving its mission is to serve its clients unlike any other organization in that it desires to take them back to the beginning, which means taking them back to a place where the baggage is gone. They are starting with a fresh slate. It removes all self-doubt, discouragement, and negative experiences and then determines what they truly want in life. They dream it, and the organization helps them ignite the passion and build it together.
Dream, Ignite, Build helps clients achieve things they thought were impossible before by bringing them to a place where they overcome negative thinking, personal setbacks, distractions, and blocks. Genesis then maps out a specific plan of action by intricately bringing together life and business.
Dream, Ignite, Build is driven by profound and solidified values where trust is the highest priority to give clients a happiness guarantee to attain goals it has committed to. Genesis notes, “Accountability plays an integral role in our organization as we are accountable to our clients, and we hold them accountable to their personal goals. We are highly innovative in mapping out strategic plans and always have a customizable approach to meet each client’s needs. We are also very results-driven; when something isn’t working, we work to make changes where necessary and develop new ideas and plans to create more consistency for long-term successes.”
Making the Most
Genesis believes that there is always an impact to be made and work to be done. She asserts, “I would love to build a much higher level of trust and openness in my industry. Unfortunately, many individuals have had negative experiences with a coach, whether the coach took their money and didn’t deliver, let the client believe unrealistic outcomes, or simply didn’t provide the support necessary for the client to gain the confidence and momentum to make a difference.”
Trust and Connectedness are the centers of Genesis coaching as everyone wants every client to receive the same support, encouragement, and hands-on approach to achieve amazing results. She asks hard questions and is upfront with individuals about expectations. She notes, “The clearer we are, the more work we get accomplished.”
Adapting to the remote work culture probed on by the Pandemic, Genesis works with her clients online as technological advances have accommodated her business in every aspect. She is thrilled about the continued expansion and ability to have a global presence with technology. She provides 1-1 sessions, group training, focus groups, and networking groups to engage, interact and facilitate meetings to look forward to the continued progression to make a difference worldwide.
The Shifting Tides
As more and more individuals walk away from their jobs and careers that didn’t serve them well, they are ready to live life on their terms, using their gift in the world the way they intend to. Genesis asserts, “What we see now more than ever are individuals ready for a change in lifestyle and desire more freedom. Recently we started offering more services and products to help individuals scale their personal and professional lives in a way that was never done before.”
Dream, Ignite, Build helps clients create new habits, routines, and life management skills to take advantage of all the efforts they put forth each day by adapting to a new mindset, staying consistent, and working through a customized strategic plan to fit their needs. It helps their clients who work out of their home while raising their children and ultimately gives the individuals who work from home to thrive in their environment. Work-life balance can seem impossible, so Genesis created opportunities for these individuals to have it all. They serve their clients very well through various processes and systems because they get to live life on their terms.
Farsighted Goals
Genesis envisions her organization continues to grow every day by reaching individuals through conferences, social media, retreats, and online training. She plans to showcase her work on the Hallmark Channel and create programs for the youth to succeed in the next generation. She mentions, “Times have changed, and it is important for those of us in leadership roles to step out and help the younger generation establish confidence and skills to navigate this world as it continues to evolve. My mission in life is to help individuals to find their calling, achieve their dreams and leave a great legacy behind.”
“I don’t want anyone to look back and wish they would have done something they didn’t. That is why we need to take risks and believe in what we have not yet seen. If I am not coaching my clients, you will find me going for a run, rocking out on the keyboard, writing my next book, or playing outside with the kiddos,” Genesis concludes.