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Galt & Company: Delivering Superior Shareholder Returns

Almost every chief executive wants to deliver superior returns for their shareholders; however, only a few corporations have been able to do so on a sustainable basis.  In fact, over the last thirty years only two percent of Fortune 500 companies have been able to deliver shareholder returns in the top quartile of their industries for five consecutive years.  Galt & Company has supported a number of these top-performing corporations.
Galt & Company works with Fortune 500 companies to develop the strategies and organizational capabilities needed to deliver superior shareholder returns. The firm designs and implements broad-scale, top management-led, performance improvement programs that impact corporate and business unit strategy, resource allocation and performance management.  Most importantly Galt & Company helps management institutionalize the capabilities and governance disciplines needed to sustain superior performance over time.
Galt & Company’s Differentiation
Galt & Company is the only advisory firm solely dedicated to helping its clients achieve and sustain superior shareholder returns and the only firm whose clients, on average, achieve sustainable shareholder returns 50% greater than their industry peers.
According to the firm’s founding partners, Scott Gillis, Lee Mergy and Joe Shalleck, “We measure our results by the shareholder returns our clients deliver, relative to their industry peers, over time. That clarity of objective and explicit measure of success has been the cornerstone of our enduring client relationships and success.”
Galt has global operations with offices in New York, Chicago, London and Singapore.  The firm’s clients span multiple industries, including Consumer Products, Food & Beverage, Distribution, Financial Services, Retail, broad-based Industrials, Chemicals, Aerospace & Defense and Healthcare.
The success and loyalty of Galt’s clients are evidenced in their client results and comments:
The members of Galt & Company led a process with my team at Clorox, to create the strategies, capabilities and incentives that have driven excellent results – over the last three years our total shareholder returns have been 45% vs. 10% for the S&P 500 Don Knauss, former Chairman, CEO, Clorox
“Jim Kilts, Chairman and CEO is a friend of mine who has turned around several companies.  I asked him how he did this and he mentioned that he used a particular firm, Galt & Company.  Last fall we hired Galt & Company to look at our overall strategy … their insights were non-intuitive and highly impactful.”  John Allison, former Chairman and CEO, BB&T and former Chairman of CATO Institute
“Galt & Company partners are different from other top management advisors — they deliver results, not just recommendations.  They have had a tremendous impact on our results and an enduring impact on our organization’s capabilities.” Travis Engen, former CEO, Alcan and ITT Industries