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Famous Business Magnate Elon Musk Trumpets his New AI Organization

Elon Musk teased ambitions to create a ChatGPT competitor for months before announcing on Wednesday the creation of a new artificial intelligence-focused firm.

The organisation, known as xAI, presented a website and a group of twelve employees.

xAI under Elon’s leadership revealed through the website, “will work closely with X (Twitter), Tesla, and other companies to make progress towards our mission.”

“The goal of xAI is to understand the true nature of the universe,” as per the website, Musk has previously used similar language to express his goals for AI.

Musk first supported OpenAI, the startup behind ChatGPT, but then criticised it for adding protections meant to stop the popular chatbot from responding in a biased or sexist manner.

When a Twitter user questioned OpenAI’s CEO in December about whether it was possible to “turn off the woke settings” on ChatGPT, Musk tweeted in response, “The danger of training AI to be woke – in other words, lie – is deadly.”

Musk revealed plans for his new AI firm in an interview with Tucker Carlson, who was hosting Fox News at the time, in April. “We’re going to start something which I call TruthGPT,” he said, describing it as a “maximum truth-seeking AI” that “cares about understanding the universe.”

After warning in an interview that he believes AI might lead to “civilization destruction” and joining other industry executives in calling for a halt to a “out of control” AI race, Musk announced the launch of a new firm a few months ago.

Other information about the company’s goals was not immediately accessible, but its website states that hiring is underway. The website currently only shows a dozen employees, all of whom are men.

The launch of Musk’s newest project comes at a perilous time for him.

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