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Eyal Iffergan: Delivering the Legal Profession into the Future

Winning is not easy. Success does not come overnight. It takes hard work, sleepless nights, tremendous dedication, intense sincerity, extraordinary knowledge, exceptional expertise and a wealth of experience. A leader is not born; it’s a quality that one has to earn. Here is the successful story of one such leader who is inspiring the world to do better and achieve more.
Eyal Iffergan, President and CEO at Hyperion Global Partners has been leading the legal and intellectual property business communities with his unique brand of creativity and dedication for over two decades.
The Journey from Entrepreneur to Industry Leader
Eyal is considered one of the foremost figures in legal operational performance management. He is an expert in addressing the challenges of legal business process, organization, technology and operations.
Having worked on diverse scenarios with a wide range of clients, Eyal possesses broad-based legal process and technology experience in leading and managing influential global practices and companies. Eyal has also founded and helped build several market-revolutionizing enterprises.
His portfolio includes programs for transformation in IP Management, Information Strategy, Workflow and Process Automation, Practice Operations, Risk Portfolio Management, Performance Management and Operational Excellence.
Many leading law firms and corporations have implemented dynamic business strategies and systems following his advice. It has allowed them to align in-house processes with business objectives, manage intellectual assets, formalize and codify workflow, and create collaborative work environments through holistic information management strategies.
Prior to founding Hyperion, Eyal was a Principal at Baker Robbins & Company. It was the industry’s leading and largest technology consulting company of that era, and Eyal led it until its acquisition. He was a founder and chief architect of Clearspire, a groundbreaking two-company law firm/legal service entity regarded as pioneer in legal delivery system evolution. He was also the President of an international innovations corporation specializing in the application and licensing of advanced technologies in high security and communications.
As an ardent legal business expert and entrepreneur, he has won numerous awards and recognitions from industry associations.  He has been written about in the Economist, Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, Reuters, American Lawyer, and scores of other media sources, and is a frequent speaker at IP and legal professional conferences. The inception of Hyperion Global Partners was the result of Eyal’s decision to apply his vast legal experience and knowledge to his own entrepreneurial journey.
Hyperion Global Partners: Your Fuel for Operational Excellence
Hyperion Global Partners is a premier global consultancy to the legal profession. They advise Am Law 200 law firms, Global 1000 corporations and other legal service organizations to make intelligent, fact-based decisions about how to improve their operational performance.
As a consultancy of experts, Hyperion focuses on helping clients lead transformation programs with strategic value-based engagement models and legal business expertise in process, operations, organization and technology.
Hyperion Research, an independent division of Hyperion Global Partners, is the industry’s leading source for Legal Solutions Market Intelligence. Their research is relied upon by industry leaders, innovators and trend-setters as the premier guide to independent market research, analysis and advisory services. The company also provides unparalleled insight into leading trends in legal strategy, operations, and technology.
Some Valuable Insights from Eyal’s Desk
Hyperion Global Partners has revolutionized the consulting engagement model with its unique and tailor-built services. Describing how Hyperion is different from others, Eyal says,
“In founding Hyperion, we set out to create a new model consulting practice that challenged all of the conventional wisdoms of the industry. We innovated in the way we hired, the services we offered, the way we delivered those services, and the way we charged for them.  In many ways, we became the “anti-consultancy”:

  • We don’t charge for time. We believe that time is least valuable way to measure the value we deliver. Our entire model is focused on harnessing the expertise of our team to deliver tangible, actionable, compelling solutions to our clients and to innovate in the way we deliver those solutions.
  • We have assembled a team of the best and brightest in the industry to bring unparalleled expertise, with a healthy dose of pragmatism, to help our clients align and execute their strategic business objectives.
  • We’re not opportunists, and we’re not all things to all people. We focus only on the things we know better than anyone else, and our clients hire us precisely because we’re the best at what we do.
  • We radically changed the professional delivery model to challenge the highly linear revenue model predicated on leveraging people; we pioneered the scalable professional service.

“Hyperion is focused on transformation while others focus on very tactical work – install a new technology or document processes, etc. – we provide a more holistic approach to operations and information management, leading our clients through broad-based transformation programs that serve to dramatically change the way they work and the results they achieve.”
Hyperion’s innovation has borne many fruits. They not only challenged the status quo, but have created an entirely new market by doing so – one they have defined and lead.  Eyal’s innovative approach has garnered widespread acclaim, and his team have established a presence of immense influence. Hyperion advises and guides all major market stakeholders – buyers, solution providers and investors – and have become widely acknowledged as the leading legal solutions provider.
Eyal’s Advice to Budding Entrepreneurs
Eyal has witnessed many ups and downs in his journey as an entrepreneur. Sharing that invaluable experience, he says, “It’s actually not easy at all to be an entrepreneur. In my lifetime, I’ve met many people who thought they were entrepreneurial, yet only a small fraction of them really were.  Being entrepreneurial means two things:  first, having the drive and imagination to create; and second, accepting the risks and challenges required to execute them.
Source :- The 30 Most Daring CEOs in Business