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EducationFolder: Simplifying Processes to create Accountability and increase Adherence

In 2014, EducationFolder was founded on a simple principle: With the right tools, processes, and motivation, every team can achieve peak performance. That’s why EducationFolder is about more than technology — it’s about the people. EducationFolder gives its teams the required tools, when they need them. It also simplifies processes to create accountability and increases adherence. All these together reveals actionable data for continuous improvement, thereby providing rewards and recognition that keep everyone motivated and engaged. It all adds up to happier employees and more satisfied customers; not to mention lower costs and increased revenue. EducationFolder delivers real results for its customers, and organizations. They don’t just say it they back it with a money back guarantee. After using EducationFolder if the client fails to recognize any noticeable performance improvement, EducationFolder will refund the paid fees.
The Massively Experienced Leader 
With a massive experience of more than 30 years in leading teams at both in-house and at large BPO providers, including Southern Company, Allconnect, and Capgemini. Craig Preston is the President and Founder of EducationFolder. Today, Craig leads the team of EF and works directly with the clients in order to continue to evolve EducationFolders’ capabilities. He has also served in organizations like Luxe Factory Outlet as an investor and board member, zLane Services as a founder and Managing Partner, Serco as a Vice President, and Excelergy as the Vice President of Client Management.
An Intuitive and Easy to Use Product 
With many pain-points affecting performance, Preston knew contact center’s supervisors needed a solution to streamline the entire process, from identifying needs, implementing training, and arming agents with the right information, to track basic HR issues and keeping their teams motivated and engaged. While plenty of pointsolutions existed, nothing truly tied everything together in a single, easy to use, end-to-end solution. So, he decided to create one. EducationFolder became that solution, encompassing quality assurance, coaching, and training within a single platform. This fully integrated approach gave EducationFolder the unique ability to assign performance management activities based on quality assurance and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). For instance, if an agent fails to meet a certain quality assurance attribute more than the designated allowable times, the system will automatically assign an appropriate reading, e-learning course or supervisor-led coaching session. This automated system ensures coaching requisites are quickly identified, immediately scheduled, and tracked to completion. EducationFolder is extremely easy to use and user-friendly. It is easy to use mainly because it is intuitive and is modeled after social media platforms. Many clients have implemented the product with less than 15 minutes of training. EducationFolder’s integration of eLearning and Classroom training capabilities is unique and serves Contact Centers very well. That’s not all, the employee rewards and recognition process, including a company store within EducationFolder is enjoyed by many companies as a way to engage and interact with employees.
Helping Clients to Improve Performance 
EducationFolder integrates gamification elements with rewards and recognition features, keeping agents feeling motivated to reach peak performance. Combined with its builtin communication tools, the entire system encourages team engagement and fosters a sense of community. These extraordinary features improve performance, increase job satisfaction, and ultimately, help reduce attrition. “It’s important that agents feel valued and not like ‘just a body in a seat.’ The team-building aspects of EducationFolder and the continuous, positive reinforcement really helps agents feel invested in the organization. Invested employees always perform better,” asserts Preston. Thanks to all these, clients are seeing improved performance and lower attrition within their staffs after starting to use the tool.
Addressing Pain Points 
With the globalization of contact centers, anytime/anywhere access is now indispensable. “From day one, we knew it needed to be cloud-based,” insisted Preston. “Since then, the company has added features to address every pain-point in the contact center including attendance tracking, task management and an internal social platform. It’s a robust system that has seen real results,” said Preston, “One of our largest customers has increased their sales close-rate by over 30%.” “At any contact center the most valuable asset, and the largest line item in the budget, is always ‘people.’ As contact center technology continues to evolve, EducationFolder will be at the forefront of managing the people side of the business.
Tackling Initial Roadblocks and Picture of the Future 
EducationFolder started as a concept in 2013 and within a year was operational at a 1,000-seat contact center. After a year of operation, the product started being offered to the marketplace in mid-2015, since then it has over 70 organizations using the suite with names like; IKEA, Direct Buy, Capgemini, The Office Gurus, using it to manage their contact centers. When it comes to the future, one can expect continued additional functionality based on customer inputs and needs; the product is adding functionality each year with no end in sight. While EducationFolder is a comprehensive product today, the organization will continue to develop various ways to use data analytics to drive better performance of agents and assist the recruitment process to hire better agents.

Source :- The 10 Most Innovative Contact Center Solution Providers 2018