Dr. Shenetta Malkia-Sapp h.c.: Unleashing the Power of Potential

Dr. Shenetta Malkia-Sapp

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As you venture into the digital gateway of her professional world, you will find yourself immersed in a tapestry of achievements and insights that showcase her unwavering commitment to revolutionizing the future.

Converging passion, expertise, and innovation, Dr. Shenetta Malkia-Sapp h.c. is a magnetic presence that commands awareness. Her extraordinary journey invites you to join her in seeking knowledge, transformation, and boundless growth.

We caught up with Dr. Shenetta and discussed her upcoming projects.

Below are the highlights of the interview:

Brief our audience about your journey as an academic leader until your current position at your company. What challenges have you had to overcome to reach where you are today?

The journey that I am on is a continual one. I am not your typical CEO, Broker, REALIST, or Property Manager. My growth has come from working from my first position as a leasing consultant to multiple management positions within large property management firms.

I only knew some available opportunities as they are not always revealed to women, especially women of color. It’s very different when you look and search for training and development courses while working and navigating, and by the grace of God, here I am. My journey includes some highs and many lows, which have helped me develop into the leader I am today with my three organizations and within my communities.

Some of the challenges I had to overcome began with believing I could and belonging in the rooms I entered, no matter how far along I was in the building of my organization. You see, we are changing the face of real estate at The PMs Of the City LLC and The PMs of the City REALTY. We are working to eradicate bullying and suicide at Empowerment Essence while empowering communities with the resources they need to live a whole life.

Some of the challenges we are still working through, as with many other small businesses, minority businesses, and women-owned businesses, are access to capital. There are many opportunities, and applying for them and staying in tune with the funding opportunities can seem like another job, but it’s needed and worth it. I continue to educate myself on laws, regulations, and general items that allow me to serve my clients and community more. To help another, we must care. To care, we must understand what we are facing. Keep growing and being a difference.

Enlighten us on how you have impacted the dynamic industry through your expertise in the market.

Our impact since COVID comes from our advocacy work for small landlords and tenants. Housing is a basic living need and requires continued funds to maintain; we ensure the voices of small landlords and those who want to become homeowners are remembered. We help bring solutions to the table by serving on multiple committees relating to policies, procedures, and housing opportunities. Training both our clients and tenants while solving some complex landlords’ issues is where we thrive.

Describe in detail the values and culture that drive your organization.

The values driving myself and the business begin with equality, integrity, justice, and honesty. These are at the top of our list because we know that we can better serve the communities and ourselves by maintaining our values. We like to sleep with ease at night. It would also be remiss if I did not say we constantly reevaluate how to improve because we can never hit the mark 100%. Our values keep us grounded, and with them, we accomplish more.

The culture of the firm family acceptability. We consider each other family and speak the truth in love to our colleagues when we know something is incorrect. We don’t let people float and fail. Say something as you notice it respectfully and tactfully.

Undeniably, technology is playing a significant role in almost every sector. How are you advancing towards technological innovations to make your solutions resourceful?

Technology is most certainly a hot topic in the real estate industry. It’s used for everything, such as marking, management, maintenance, bids, accounting, budgeting, etc. We ensure our suppliers have the latest things we need to serve our clients. Participating in new release updates and sampling items is very important. We also use AI for screening our potential leaseholders. It’s not always just what you are doing but how reliable the data is and the record keeping.

What, according to you, could be the following significant change in your sector? How is your company preparing to be a part of that change?

It’s happening already; hedge fund firms are larger banks buying single-family properties and then leasing them because most leaseholders need to prepare to become homeowners. We are educating our leaseholders on how communities build their credit scores and become landlords so they can start building wealth for their families.

For our firm and brokerage, we help on both sides and look forward to continuing to aid in the supply of affordable housing that is affordable for most families at the 50 and 60 % FMI (Family Median Income)

Where do you envision yourself in the long run, and what are your future goals for the organization?

Our future is in development, including owning and managing our portfolio of communities. The property management side of the firm will expand into the Georgia market, and the brokerage will also extend to Georgia and then Florida.

Our goal is to aid 100 families in the next ten years in becoming homeowners and or improving their overall credit and money story. Education is how we help our clients, which helps us tell others about our work and services.

What would you advise budding entrepreneurs aspiring to venture into the dynamic industry?

The most extensive advice I can give any person moving and doing what’s in their heart is to provide them with grace. Plan and leave room for change. Take it professionally and not personally, thou many will make things personal. Stick to your purpose and your original WHY. This may change as you reach new levels but always remember it. Leave room for new colors and expansions.

Oh, and remember, You Belong in the Room!

You can reach out to me here.

  • Remember, you can tag me as your coach. www.malkiarelations.com
  • Real estate training- www.thepmsofthecity.com
  • Bookings for Speaking engagements – www.dearbrokengirl.com.
  • Suicide Prevention Training – empowermentessence.org

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