Dr. K. Cyrus Hadavi founded Adexa in 1994. Prior to Adexa, he was one of the original team members at i2 technologies involved in many different aspects of the business and fast growth of the company. Before joining i2 Technologies, Cyrus was one of the first pioneers of application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to planning problems. His research resulted in implementation of the first generation of planning solutions in a number of Siemens facilities. The results were fast development of products, shorter cycle times and much improved customer service.
Dr. Hadavi has been in an advisory role in many global companies including Black & Decker, Solectron, Northrop-Grumman, Philips, Columbia Steel, and Pitney Bowes. His leadership has expanded Adexa to be one of the top supply chain companies in the world with Fortune 2000 companies in 5 continents. Customers of Adexa range from high tech to textiles to CPG and Aerospace including GM, Boeing, Milliken, AMD, Sanyo, Toshiba, TSMC, Unilever Hindustan, Case New Holland, Arcelor Mittal, Seagate, Hanes and Philips.
Dr. Hadavi has also served as Adjunct Professor of Operations Management at Columbia University, where he taught courses on the application of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence to manufacturing. He also performed joint research with faculty members at Columbia University, Wharton School of Management, Loyola University, Clemson University and Max Planck Institute in Germany. Besides publishing numerous articles and books on supply chain management, manufacturing, and e-commerce, Dr. Hadavi is a frequent speaker at many business and academic venues worldwide. After leaving Iran as a young teenager, he continued his studies in the UK earning a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering and an M.S. degree in industrial management from the University of Birmingham, UK. He also holds an M.S. degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Southampton, UK, and a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He is an avid tennis player and skier.
Adexa: Adding Value to Best Supply Chains in Every Industry
In the 21st Century, manufacturing challenges are growing exponentially more complex. Companies need timely and accurate information, operational visibility across suppliers, predictable flows of material and working capital — and streamlined efficiency at every stage of procurement, production and distribution.
Adexa, Enterprise Global Planning System (eGPS) offers the most comprehensive suite of integrated planning solutions for manufacturers. It delivers a robust enterprise business planning solution that encompasses Supply Chain Planning, Enterprise Performance Management and Predictive Analytics, Inventory Optimization, Sales & Operation Planning (S&OP), and Intelligent Collaboration that helps maximize asset utilization within and beyond the walls their client companies.
One of the unique features of Adexa solutions is the ability to perform Sales and Operation Execution (S&OE). This capability means that their integrated solutions have the ability to execute the plans in addition to making the plans. It guarantees perfect plans. Almost all their competitors lack S&OE capability. By combining operational planning to Financial Planning at every level of detail, companies can monitor the financial consequences at all levels of planning and execution.
One of the latest additions to Adexa solutions has been predictive Risk Analysis. Using this feature, the users benefit from knowing the potential risks in their supply chain and how to correct the issues before they are exposed to such risks. Furthermore, Adexa will soon be releasing SCP 5G©, the 5th generation supply chain solutions, that can deploy artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to make the system self-repairing and self-correcting©. Using such techniques allows automatic detection of trends in the supply chain which enables the system to find the potential causes and improve the performance of the supply chain on an on-going basis.
Adexa’s Unique Attributes
In the past two decades Adexa has demonstrated leadership in a number of fronts that have made the company one of the most innovative in the industry. A few of such differentiators are outlined below.
Attribute-Based Planning—Adexa is the only company that uses attributes as dynamic constraints in the entire supply chain, not just at the finished goods level. In the absence of attribute-based planning, excessive number of SKUs need to be created and much hard coding needs to be done in order to configure and customize the model of the enterprise.
Unified Data Model—having one data model for all of Adexa’s planning functions, from highest level of planning, such as network optimization and S&OP, all the way down to even the sequencing of the shop floor, is a unique feature of Adexa. This allows seamless integration of planning and execution. It also minimizes cost of integration and implementation.
Speed and Scalability—Adexa’s solutions are the fastest amongst its competitors. Adexa’s fast response time is attributed to In-Memory Computing as well as dynamic data representation and AI algorithms that divide and conquer.
Deep Modeling—Adexa’s deep modeling capability allows very accurate models of supply and demand to as much detail as maybe needed. Having this capability allows plans which are more than 95% accurate in every industry.
Automatic Risk Analysis —Adexa solutions can identify the weak links in the supply chain automatically and in advance. To this end, supplies that are short, suppliers that are single-sourced, transportation routes that are not reliable in certain times of the year when the weather is not favorable, or operational plans deviating from the financial plans can all be identified in advance to prevent any surprises. At the same time, advising the users to avoid certain underlying trends that might be harmful to the operation of the supply chain.
Bright Future Upstream Globalization
Adexa has been branded as the intelligent supply chain company because their solutions are intelligent, i.e. they can “think,” make decisions and learn from their experiences. As the system “learns,” it gets better and becomes more intelligent. As systems get more intelligent, they raise the level of their users to higher and higher levels of decision making improving their lives and their career goals, ultimately adding value to every client.
One of the most important factors in Adexa’s remarkable growth has been and continues to be Innovation. Thousands of years of collective supply chain experience from Adexans have been invested into their solution. Furthermore, having some of the best run supply chains in the world as their customers, Adexa has used such experience to produce solutions that are innovative, add tremendous value, make their users’ lives easier and always reliable.