One can never really make someone do something great by force. Leaders need to be genuinely exemplary to inspire the greatness in others. Greatness comes from within, and it is the leader’s role to insight that greatness in their employees, partners, associates, and everyone around them. Dev Garg lives by this philosophy. His role is to help those working with him find that greatness within them. His expertise is in product and growth strategy, execution and leadership working with cross functional teams spread globally.
Dev is the CEO of Easyanalytic. Easyanalytic provides unmatchable cutting edge technological solutions to industries and small businesses, whilst creating inventive software programs and algorithms that are advantageous to individuals as well as corporations.
In an interview with Insights Success, Dev Garg shares his journey and about his contribution through the Easyanalytic Inc.
Below are the highlights of the interview between Dev Garg and Insights Success:
Take our readers through your journey being at the help of Easyanalytic.
My journey at Easyanalytic started in 2014 when I was still a senior at the University of Minnesota. I took few university tech projects which although didn’t pay enough, gave me a direction to who we are today. Right after graduation in late 2014, I moved full-time into EA with a vision of a unique ecosystem where start-ups can come to build, fund, launch, and grow their ideas. Over the years, we relentlessly worked with startups ranging from bootstrapped to companies with 100M+ in valuation where we bring a tailored solution and hands-on expertise to fill their specific gaps in their journey.
What were the challenges you came across in your career as a CEO at Easyanalytic and prior working at other companies?
The journey of starting a company is never easy. From day 0, when you are getting ready to change the world with your brilliant idea to the day your idea gets acquired or gets folded (which happens more often than we think), you face numerous challenges as a leader. The ones who tackle these challenges strategically and persistently are the ones who have a higher chance of survival. Most of the noticeable challenges I faced over the years are no different from what many other startup leaders face.
One of the challenges we faced early during the growth phase was managing cash flow to feed the growing machine. My vision for Easyanalytic was not to build just a tech product firm but a complete solution for startups. This vision required bringing on talent across technology, business, finance, legal, product, marketing, PR, and much more. My job here was to be good at basic math, revenue in vs expenses out while staying true to the vision.
Taking into consideration, the current pandemic, and its impact on global economies, how are you driving the company to sustain operations and ensuring safety of your associates and employees at the same time?
Well before the pandemic, our teams were already working virtually and so although the pandemic did affect us in more than one way, our working style wasn’t too affected.
From the growth perspective, we did experience a slowdown in 2020 where many of our major client contracts went on hold due to the uncertainty in the market. However, with a quick analysis of the changing market needs, we started supplying much-needed healthcare supplies to governments, hospitals, schools, and families through our network of startups and clients. This allowed us to not only give back to the community but also helped us sustain the downfall in the market by adding a new revenue stream to the business.
What makes your organization’s effective Consultation and Advices a preferred choice for your clients over the competition?
We are a startup, built for startups. We don’t just build a tech product but see our clients through the entire journey of product development, validation, investment, launch, pivot, growth, and profitability. In us, startups don’t see a consultant but a partner who is invested to get them to the finish line.
When I started my first product, I had no idea what I was getting into. I just had an idea and had a lot of passion to build it. With very little knowledge of product development, intricacies of validation, pivoting, legal, marketing, pricing, funding, etc. I made numerous mistakes and wasted countless hours. At EA, we strive hard to make sure none of our startups have to go through the same troubles.
According to you, what essential traits should a CEO possess to thrive in the present-day cutthroat business ecosystem?
Build Relationships. Be Persistent. Be Good in Sales.
In what ways have you or the company contributed to the community? If given a chance, what change would you bring in Soft-Tech industry with innovative growth strategies delivering real-world results?
During the pandemic, we as a company have donated masks, face shields, and other PPE items to keep our communities safe. We also have organized online training for underprivileged kids to get their hands-on software coding essentials which is one of the fastest growing and one of the highest paying jobs in the market. I believe education not only improves the life of the student but elevates the entire community in a ripple effect. Over the next few years, I plan to bring more high-tech education to kids and have plans for social projects in India.
What would be your advice to the upcoming startup Industry?
For start-ups – Solve a major pain problem extremely well, watch your cash flow like a hawk and know your customers like the back of your hand.
For start-up Industry – Promote more social start-ups by injecting more funding into them. The world needs social entrepreneurs more than ever before, let’s find innovative ways to build sustainable social enterprises globally instead of another video app.