Demonstrating Success by Embracing Change

Jeanniey Walden

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  • Jeanniey Walden

Jeanniey Walden is known globally as one of the foremost leading executive women who has turned everything she touches into a success From Fortune 200 executive roles to launching tech and marketing start- ups, Jeanniey Walden’s career has taken off in many ways and directions. Her latest venture is as Executive Producer and television. From groundbreaking executive roles to launching tech start-ups, Jeanniey Walden’s career has taken off in many ways and directions, and her latest role as a television host on her TV show, Liftoff with Jeanniey Walden, and podcast Liftoff Journeys. Through these channels, Jeanniey continues to give back and help others find personal and professional success.

In Jeanniey’s early years, she was trained in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as a teacher with a minor in sign language and worked with kids with autism. Given a challenging labor market, Jeanniey needed to pivot and leverage her skills to enter the business world at JCPenney, starting as a customer service rep and working her way to a corporate role leading Customer Relations during the early day of email and digital marketing.

One thing that never changed during Jeanniey’s switch to business was her belief in a philosophy she calls air – authentic, inspirational and relatable. “I believe that every communication we have internally and even our messaging with others should be filled with all of these key things, and if you do that, you can’t go wrong,” explains Jeanniey.

Walden’s time at JCPenney helped land her a role in New York City, where she started the first e-mail marketing division of Grey Global Group, an advertising agency. The move proved to be monumental as this role was transformative for the whole marketing and agency industry, and it was equally groundbreaking to be a woman at the forefront of this new frontier. Jeanniey’s ability to embrace change in a positive way and harness her prior learnings enabled her to drive success in ways she never imagined.

The next 20 years of Jeanniey’s professional career offered her a continuous stream of challenges, change and success strategies that taught her how to embrace change in order to drive change. Through market shifts, political changes, and global pandemics, Jeanniey’s role spanned start-ups, more large advertising agencies, Professional services, Retail and Fintech.

Jeanniey’s start-up career included working with Zinio, (the first digital publishing newsstand on the iPad), as well as with DailyPay, the first on-demand pay platform. Always trying to find ways to help others, in 2022, Jeanniey started Liftoff with Jeanniey Walden to bring her business insights as well as other lifestyle tips to others. The show currently airs on the CW in Tampa and Atlanta, WLNY in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Long Island and streams on the Binge network. Her Podcast is available everywhere podcasts are available.

Jeanniey is the author of a number of books and has been recognized as the Entrepreneur of the Year Award by the IAOTP. Her story can be seen on the American Express website as a success story – and even after 30 years, if you ask her, Jeanniey will tell you she is just getting started.

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