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Debunking 4 Common Car Insurance Myths

Car insurance has become a necessity as almost every state mandates it; however, getting it can be daunting, and it’s natural to encounter challenges along the way. Not only is the sheer number of coverage types and add-ons overwhelming, but policies also contain exclusions buried in fine print, leaving you vulnerable to unexpected situations.

Comparing features and benefits across different providers can be complex due to variations in terminology and coverage details. Understanding all the intricacies of vehicle insurance policies can also be challenging, especially with the numerous myths and misconceptions surrounding it.

If you’ve been considering car insurance but various myths have confused you, continue reading this article. Let us debunk common misconceptions about car insurance and provide clear guidance on how to proceed.

Red Cars Cost More to Insure

It’s a common myth that drivers of flashy red cars are more likely to engage in risky driving behaviors, so insurance companies charge them more. However, that’s not true at all. While car color might have affected pricing in the past, most modern insurance companies base rates on driving history, location, and vehicle performance.

Your car insurance company likely doesn’t even know what color your vehicle is. The only exception is when you have to pay extra for custom paint job coverage. Even in that case, the extra cash is for the custom paint, not the color.

Minimum Coverage is Enough

Many people opt for minimum coverage when settling on auto insurance quotes; however, it might not be enough. Minimum coverage may be cheap but often exposes you to significant financial risks if you get into an accident. It usually only covers basic liability and doesn’t typically cover repairs or replacement for your own car if it’s damaged in an accident.

This could mean significant out-of-pocket expenses and potentially high medical bills. Consider comprehensive and collision coverage for complete peace of mind, as it protects your car in case of theft, vandalism, or other non-accident situations.

My Friend’s Insurance Will Cover Them if They Drive My Car

It’s a common misconception that if someone else drives your car and gets into an accident, their insurance will cover your car. However, that’s not true. Your insurance policy will be the main source of coverage, and your friend’s policy can only help secondarily if you reach the limit on your policy. Some insurance policies also have driver exclusions, meaning it won’t cover you if someone else was driving it at the time of the accident. It’s important to thoroughly review your policy and understand how it works before letting someone else drive your vehicle.

Full Coverage Covers Everything

It’s important to be aware of policy exclusions. Full coverage typically covers collision, comprehensive, and liability. Your policy might not cover specific items like personal belongings stolen from your car, rental car costs during repairs, or certain types of damage.

For example, insurance policies never cover intentional damage. Additionally, your policy may also have exclusions about the type of vehicle use covered, the countries your vehicle is covered in, and who can drive your vehicle. It is necessary to review your policy thoroughly to understand what it does and doesn’t cover.


Remember, knowledge is power when it comes to car insurance. Understanding these common myths allows you to make informed decisions and get the right coverage at the right price. Before settling on a policy, don’t hesitate to ask questions, seek clarifications, and compare quotes from multiple providers. Additionally, consider leveraging online resources and educational guides to empower yourself with knowledge and confidently navigate the car insurance landscape.