Even though cryptocurrencies have become more popular than ever before, we are still away from mass adoption. Even if we believe that’s gotten popular, if we analyze it based on the entire population, you will find that crypto enthusiasts are still a minority.
How can we change it? How can we get more people to purchase bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies? How can we get them involved? The answer might reside in gaming, and this is the issue that we will discuss today.
We already have seen real use cases for blockchain tech, but they can be obscure because they are too technical for the average folk. However, with gaming, it’s a totally different story. Let’s check how it’s already helping to bring crypto to the masses.
Why is gaming a key for mass adoption?
According to the experts, gaming will be the first industry that will give blockchain tech a possibility to become a real use case, by making games far more immersive, but also by creating internal economies that will get people to know more about cryptocurrencies.
The key here is that thanks to blockchain, games will become more entertaining and immersive, and that’s enough to get more people interested. Imagine all the people that would buy these games just for the fun and discover more about blockchain and cryptocurrencies?
Furthermore, we also need to consider that gaming is a massive industry. According to the latest research, it will be worth $180B in 2021, and that’s enough money to keep spreading blockchain and cryptocurrencies to the masses. This means that there are plenty of people and companies involved, as well as consumers ready to purchase the products.
A win-win situation for developers and consumers
Blockchain tech will allow developers to come up with better products, and at the same time, allow consumers to get access to higher quality games that could make them money.
Even though developers are tech-savvy people, not all of them are involved in cryptocurrencies. However, if they can see the potential in blockchain, don’t you think it will motivate them to get involved?
Now, let’s talk about the masses. Trading is not for everyone because the crypto prices can be wild, but what if you could earn money while gaming? That’s what several blockchain projects are doing.
Let’s take Enjin Coin as an example. You can play and earn Enjin Coin that you can later exchange for your favorite cryptocurrencies such as BTC, ETH, etc. There’s a large number of games available on Enjin that you can play to make money.
Now, let’s take this example and analyze it. Don’t you think that more people will join these games if they are entertaining, immersive, and also profitable? That’s the best deal for gamers, and this is what blockchain tech is creating for the industry.
Furthermore, this type of setup can create an internal economy that could make you plenty of money in the long run. Just think about all the money that gamers could earn if a game really takes off and gets millions of people involved.
Instead of playing for worthless tokens or coins in traditional games, now you can play to earn a real income, by feeding an internal economy that keeps the game running.
The Snowball Effect
This type of adoption will create a snowball effect, given the size and popularity of the gaming industry. This is likely to create such an effect because the more people involved, the more likely these people are to tell other persons about blockchain tech and cryptocurrencies.
Imagine someone playing a game supported by Enjin Coin and making some hundreds of dollars per month, just by gaming. Don’ you think that he will tell his friends about it? We all like money, and if it’s by doing something genuinely fun, then even better.
This is the perfect stack that will take crypto to mass adoption because it will spark curiosity in a growing industry, and as a result, it will also influence the network of the gamers and people involved.
As we’ve said, blockchain tech is already present in several industries, but the use cases can result “too boring” for most of the population. Fortunately, crypto gaming solves the “boredom” issue by making crypto fun and profitable at the same time.
Final Words
Crypto gaming is a powerful force that will help us to get this movement going, because cryptocurrencies are here to stay. Thanks to crypto games, more people will get involved, and hopefully, start using cryptocurrencies more frequently.
What do you think about crypto gaming? Do you really think it will help us to spread blockchain and cryptocurrencies to the masses? Let us know your opinion in the comments!
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