Creative Ways to Achieve Financial Success in Life

creative Ways

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If you have a creative mind, it’s likely that you are always dreaming of what could be and coming up with unique ideas for doing things. Your imagination is one of your best gifts, and you have the ability to visualize beautiful art, solutions and lyrical expressions. Some of those with these gifts become writers, poet or song writers. Others find their home in art, expressing with brush and canvas or in sculptural form. In some cases, this creativity comes flowing forth in computer code, and tech innovations are born.

There is also a special group of very gifted creatives who not only dream up certain advances, but have an innate desire to birth their ideas into products that could change the world. These creatives are inventors. Thoughts flow at the speed of light through their mind, and in certain moments a brilliant idea lands and the seed of a potential new product is born. From there, it’s up to the inventor to develop their dream into physical form.

To Protect Your Idea or Invention, Get a Patent

When you have birthed a brilliant idea or invention, or maybe come up with a significant improvement on an existing product or device, you need to protect your intellectual property. You can help safeguard what you have created by filing a patent application.

To file a patent, you will need to seek the help of an attorney who specializes in patent law. The process of filing a patent is very detailed and complicated, and if you don’t prepare your filing correctly your entire application could be rejected. You may also be able to work with a company that specializes in invention development for help filing your patent and getting your product to market.

Utilize the Services of Specialized Companies

As you work your way through the patent application filing, it soon becomes apparent just how inherently complex and arcane the patent process is. To help assure that your application is accepted and approved, you will have to provide incredible detail and in many cases required supporting documentation. Depending on the product or idea you are patenting, you may also find that there are very specialized filing requirements.

For instance, if your patent application is in the field of the biologic sciences, you will have to prepare Sequence listings and include them as part of the filing. This documentation is required because as part of the filing you have to identify the specific nucleotides (RNA or DNA) and the amino acid proteins that are covered by your application. Specialized companies have custom, powerful software that can quickly and accurately generate the data you will need to include in your filing.

Leverage Crowdsourcing to Bring Your Product to Market

When it is time to get your invention or product to market, tap into the power of crowdsourcing. After you have the patent protections you need, you can create a prototype using 3D printing or other innovative technologies.

Once your prototype is complete, it’s time to create a flashy video that highlights the wonderful benefits of your new idea or product. With the right video, you may go viral and you’ll be able to fund your product production from orders by early buyers. Best of all, they’ll likely share your video with friends and you will get additional orders there.

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