Read more about the article Tangent Works: Reducing Costs with Automatic Forecasting
Henk De Metsenaere | Co-founder & The Chairman of The Board | Tangent Works

Tangent Works: Reducing Costs with Automatic Forecasting

There's a lot of buzz about AI these days, and technologies like Deep Natural Networks (DNN) or Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are often mentioned in the news. While these techniques are great for image…

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Read more about the article iAge Technologies: Turning Content into Action
Denis Uspenskiy | CTO || Artem Kukharenko | CEO || Tatyana Murzova | Vice-President || iAge Technologies

iAge Technologies: Turning Content into Action

Before founding the organization, all the three leaders of iAge had worked in digital space for almost 15 years to create digital products that solve customers’ problems, and bring value…

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