Read more about the article Twanieka Alcindor: Providing Expert Advocacy in Legal Matters
Twanieka Alcindor | Manager & Consultant | Alcindor Law

Twanieka Alcindor: Providing Expert Advocacy in Legal Matters

Legal actions can sometimes be overwhelming for many. Having expert, empathetic, professional, and relatable legal consultant to assist one in the legal proceedings is the need of many people. Twanieka…

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Read more about the article Jennifer Cisneros: Promoting a Culture of Water Innovation
Jennifer Cisneros | Vice President of Marketing | BioMicrobics, Inc.

Jennifer Cisneros: Promoting a Culture of Water Innovation

Effective leaders see their daily activities as opportunities to grow in their personal and professional life. On a larger scale, effective leaders see agency-wide projects as doors through which they…

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Read more about the article Donna Loughlin: Delivering Results that Drive Leadership, Momentum and Growth
Donna Loughlin | Founder & President | LMGPR

Donna Loughlin: Delivering Results that Drive Leadership, Momentum and Growth

The importance of news industry has everlasting impact on the lives of people. This medium has the power to make a tangible impact on larger sections of society through the…

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Read more about the article Christianne Kerns: Ensuring Excellent Legal Service to Clients.
Christianne Kerns | Managing Partner | Hahn & Hahn LLP

Christianne Kerns: Ensuring Excellent Legal Service to Clients.

The unprecedented time of pandemic has certainly been challenging for everyone. Most people have experienced things in the past year that we never anticipated. The legal challenges arising in response…

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