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Beny Steinmetz: Our Profile of a Great Business and Philanthropist

Beny Steinmetz is one of the great minds of our time, with decades of experience in the corporate landscape and in giving back to the Israeli community while trying to change the world’s views and make it a more friendly and inclusive place.

He has dedicated a large portion of his life to philanthropy and sharing his ideas with the world’s most powerful decision-makers so that they can enhance the lives not just of himself but also of others.

While Steinmetz is arguably one of the most influential men in Israel, if not the world, his name isn’t as well-known as that of some others, such as Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg.

Part of the reason for this is that Steinmetz has never invented a trendy new technology, but that doesn’t mean that he hasn’t dedicated his life to supporting others and driving positive change in the world.

As such, he deserves recognition for his philanthropic efforts and dedication to driving excellence in a wide range of areas, including art, politics, healthcare, and many more.

That’s why we’ve put together this profile to help you learn more about Steinmetz and the exceptional success he’s achieved throughout his life. We’ll explore everything from his early life through to his current projects, with some projections about what the future has in store for this dedicated philanthropist.

Early Life

Born in 1956 in the Israeli city of Netanya, Beny Steinmetz was the fourth child of business pioneer Rubin Steinmetz.

Having come from a large and close family, Beny has always been dedicated to raising the profile of his family name through his hard work and philanthropic efforts.

After his education, Beny served for three years in the military and then went to work for the family company.

He then went on to learn about the business, and eventually, he became the great philanthropist we know today.

He first lived in Belgium, then he moved back to Israel, but he has always loved to travel from a young age and has visited many countries internationally throughout his life.

After he amassed an extensive fortune, Beny Steinmetz decided to give back to the world and share his success with others.

Charitable Works

Having achieved incredible success and becoming a billionaire, Steinmetz has dedicated a large portion of his time and wealth to supporting those in need over the years.

As he was born and raised in Israel, he’s passionate about supporting the country and giving his fellow country people the chance to improve their lives and achieve the success they dream of.

That’s why, alongside his wife, he created the Beny & Agnes Steinmetz Foundation, which donates to a range of good causes in Israel. These include schools, hospitals, army units, museums, and colleges.

Launched in 2007, the foundation has been donating to causes throughout Israel for over 10 years. It supports a wide range of charitable projects and organizations, including cancer care charities, the Association for the Wellbeing of Israel’s Soldiers, hospitals throughout the country, and many others.

A major part of the foundation’s work is its yearly donation of 125 scholarships, valued at approximately 8,000 NIS each, to students who want to attend Netanya Academic College. The college provides multi-disciplinary educational opportunities staffed by respected academics who aim to offer the finest education possible to their students. It is one of the few establishments that has been accredited as a higher education institution by both the Israeli Government and the Council of Higher Education. As a result, the college is the perfect partner for the foundation as they both strive to support young people throughout Israel. The college is private, so the foundation’s scholarships are vital for any student who can’t afford a place but deserves one.

To help younger children to learn and flourish, the foundation also supports seven after-school centers throughout Netanya, offering educational and enjoyable activities that enrich the lives of the children and allow their parents to get access to additional childcare. These after-school centers offer a wide variety of activities and classes, so young children can learn new skills and enrich their future lives.

Alongside his passion for education and supporting young people, Steinmetz is also one of the biggest supporters of the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, having donated to it for many years and sitting on its board of trustees. In order to recognize his contribution to the Israeli arts sector and the country’s cultural excellence, the museum has awarded Steinmetz with a Doctor Honoris Causa.

His donations, and those of his foundation, have been so substantial that the museum allowed the foundation to sponsor an entire wing of the building called the Agnes and Beny Steinmetz Wing for Architecture and Design. The wing includes two galleries, one of which is dedicated to showcasing the museum’s designs and the other to architecture.

This is just a small cross-section of the philanthropic works that Beny Steinmetz has undertaken over the years. If you’re interested in learning more about Beny Steinmetz’s philanthropy work, then you can find out what he’s done in the past and any new projects he takes on over the coming years.

Personal Life

Coming from a close-knit family, Beny Steinmetz has always been committed to having a strong relationship with those he loves the most.

Beny Steinmetz met his wife, Agnes, when they were teenagers, and ever since, they have enjoyed a happy and fulfilled life.

Together they have four children, and it is their love for them that made the pair understand how challenging it would be if they couldn’t provide for them and give them the best possible start in life.

That’s why they launched the foundation together and crowned it with both their names, to show their passion and dedication to doing everything in their collective power to improve the lives of children and young adults throughout Israel.

They are always exploring new ways to provide support for those who need it the most and to highlight the historical and cultural legacies of Israel.

Just like his family, Beny Steinmetz is also deeply passionate about travel. He likes to call himself an ‘international Israeli,’ and he loves to travel the world and experience new things.

He has visited many countries around the world over the years. Through his philanthropic endeavors, he works to support those in need in many countries, with a focus on supporting his home country, Israel.

Art is another of Steinmetz’s passions, and he loves nothing better than exploring galleries and finding new favorite pieces. He uses this knowledge and his passion for art to inform his work as a trustee for the Tel Aviv Museum of Art.

Future Plans

Looking towards the future, Beny Steinmetz remains deeply committed to improving the lives of people throughout Israel and supporting the arts.

He will continue to donate to his various causes through the foundation and is always exploring new opportunities to do more to help others.

His philanthropic work will remain his top priority, alongside supporting his family, as Beny looks towards a bright and exciting future.