Now we are about to stretch even further and integrate a browser into our eco system. And in case you are wondering: There are very good reasons for that.
Nowadays the top use-case for a computer is to access the internet using a browser. The infrastructure of the internet is run by different entities (routers, DNS, servers). The homepages contain executable code that is run in the browser. Manifold data formats are used in the net (HTML, JS, CSS, PNG, SVG, video formats). All in all it’s a well connected and extremely complex system. And it is used to access valuable data (online banking, shopping, medical research, looking for a new job) – a disaster waiting to happen.
The browser developers (Mozilla and community, Google and community and Microsoft) are putting lots of resources into securing those browsers. And they are doing a very impressive job.
But the threats online are not getting less. There are a lot of them: Phising, insecure Wifis, malware drive-by, trackers, … you name them!
This needs fixing.
Basically there are three points to secure:
- The client (your PC and browser): Detect attacks and block them
- The Internet infrastructure (like Wifis): End-to-End encryption fixes that
- The server (like the site that is trying to phish you): Identify and block
This is our opportunity to improve the situation.
- For the first time ever we can go beyond add-on and have more of an add-in. This means: More options to secure the system
- While the browser vendors have to produce a one-size-fits-all we can center on a more security aware customer base
- We have lots of backend databases knowing the dangerous places in the internet
- While high-end security extensions (Noscript) focus on the skilled user, we will build a system with an auto-pilot, basing the security decissions on our backend databases and our experience
- This auto pilot will also automate repetitive tasks away
- Before you ask: Skilled users can take over the wheel and override it
- You can install additional extensions. It is your browser after all
The whole project is based on extensions and chromium. Both are Open Source. We will pay for our ride: We contribute to them to guarantee a perfect browsing experience. Of course we will also integrate our Avira technology.