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Apple’s Affordable New iPhone Reportedly Launching Soon

Apple’s new affordable iPhone is just around the corner. The reports come from 9to5, a highly trusted reader that claims that Apple could start accepting orders for the new iPhone soon. Earlier, the phone was reported to launch on 31st March.
It appears that Apple will call the new phone ‘iPhone SE 2020’ instead of earlier rumored iPhone SE 2 or iPhone 9. The addition of 2020 will be used to avoid confusion. Further, the details include three colors, White, Black, and PRODUCT (Red) with storage options of 64GB, 128GB, and 256GB along with a price tag of $399.
The Apple Store further confirms the rumors by listing a Belkin screen protector for ‘iPhone SE/8/7’, confirming that the phone will feature the same design as of iPhone 8.
Along with that, the rumored specs of the new phone are Apple’s A13 Bionic chip, 3GB RAM, and a 4.7-inch LCD Screen. The original iPhone SE launched in March 2016 housed iPhone 6S internals within the iPhone 5 body. Likewise, iPhone 11 internals are expected to be found inside the SE 2020.
In addition, the phone is speculated to keep the same home button, and physical fingerprint reader, Touch ID instead of Face found on standard iPhones today. Aside from the 4.7-inch iPhone SE, a few sources also suggest that Apple is likely to develop a 5.5-inch iPhone display. It will have the same hardware package as the 4.7 iPhone SE, except for the larger battery and screen.
The updated iPhone SE would potentially come popular across iPhone 6 users with new iOS upgrades. The A13 chip helps Apple Arcade to improve the augmented reality not available on iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus devices.
We will have to wait for Apple to launch the phone to confirm all the details.