Currently, military forces are widely using fundamental combinations of acoustical scoring or acoustic signature to describe emissions of sound, such as ships and submarines. In addition, acoustic signatures or sound attributes are majorly described on aircraft, machinery and living animals those who have their own characteristics which primarily study on the bases of their condition, behavior and physical location. Air Target Sweden is a well-known scoring specialist since 1956. Its acoustical scoring products have been delivered to customers in more than 30 countries all over the world.
Air Target Sweden describes the acoustical scoring method to measure the miss distance between a supersonic projectile or missile and a target. The scoring system can also be used to check/verify the weapon fire control system.
Air Target Sweden, having a mission in helping friendly defense forces obtaining higher skills and capabilities in the field of Live-Fire, is really in a pole position with more than 60 years’ experience in the field and by having its Headquarters, R&D and Production in Sweden. Sweden probably being the most or one of the most, high-tech defense export-friendly environments in the world.
Delivering Cutting-Edge Innovation
Air Target delivers the broadest, most up-to-date, real-time acoustic scoring system portfolio in the world. The firm strongly believes in customer satisfaction that makes it stand on the number one choice for its customers and digests every fraction of customer requirement in order to find the perfect customized product for every single end-user.
The company also offers a wide range of products such as the Mini Marque 8.4″, VDU-12 and Marque scoring stations, Miss Distance Indicators (MDIs), various support and test units, sleeve targets, and target towing winches.
There are major categories which describe Air Target Sweden’s product range such as Scoring Stations, MDIS for hard targets and UAVS, MDIS for Sleeve Targets, Test Equipment and Accessories, Sleeve Targets, Inboard Target Towing Winches, Air to Ground Scoring System, LOMAH, Tank Target Scoring System etc.
Air Target Sweden, being a small company, working with the most eligible team of skilled Engineers, Production team and Support technicians to choose the right customers from the perspective of gaining a long-term relationship with demanding and skilled customers from whom it can learn and gain new experiences.
Defining Leadership
Martin Normark is the CEO at Air Target Sweden. Martin, former officer in Swedish Army, holds a Master’s Degree in the field of Mechatronics, Robotics, and Automation Engineering from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, one of the largest, oldest and international technical universities in Sweden.
While sharing his insights on Air Target Sweden’s global success, Martin asserts, “Our acoustical scoring products have been delivered to customers in more than 30 countries all over the world. Armed forces, i.e. Armies, Navies and Air Forces, Defence industries, and target towing operators are the main customers of Air Target Sweden AB.”
Talking about company’s vision he states, “Our vision is to become to the Aerial Target market what Bosch has become to the Automotive business -The natural global choice for obtaining expertise and the most competent system or subsystem provider for training and testing of weapon systems against aerial threats.”
Adding upon his profoundly enlightening journey, Martin elucidates about how he tackles with situations to move ahead. While sharing his thought about the company he adds, “Alone is not strong, but together we are! I think most of us have walked into the trap where we make the mistake of believing that our idea or solution is so smart that it will always be the right solution for customer or that if we just walk the extra mile we will conquer that new market region, so have we in the past and it did not work.”
“Today we work closely with our customers to achieve world-class product development and we have partnered up with some of the very best Aerial Target Drone and Tow Target manufacturers in the world. I think being a company smaller than a mid-size lunch restaurant serving more than 30 countries with world-class solutions is proof of our successful way of working” Martin adds.
Air Target Sweden strongly believes in the future, which will demand more decision-making, improvisation, and versatility during the training sessions together with a higher demand for graphical 3-D post-briefings.
Talking about future aspects Martin asserts, “Benhancing all Air Target products with GPS or even IoT-capability it will make its unified solutions future proof.”
Source: The 10 Most Trusted Simulation Solution Providers 2018