ActionCOACH: A Favoured Franchise Choice


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Today, technology has emerged as one of the most competitive weapons. It has not only advanced the competition, but also the industry’s need. Subsequently, business requirements are distinct. Hence, a comprehensive approach with great leadership is essential to succeed in the industry.

For this, intense training is the need of the hour as training will help you to set long-term and short-term goals strategies, also you will get better employees. Therefore, there is a high demand for a franchisee to provide executive coaching, business coaching, mentoring, and training to business owners.

This training will benefit both you and your organization with amazing results such that your business will grow faster, and you will easily meet the industry’s needs.

Fortunately, we have such a unique franchisee ActionCOACH – a business coach, that provides eye-opening and engaging webinars to help your business. This franchisee provides executive coaching, mentoring, and training to business owners mainly in small- to mid-market business sectors.

ActionCOACH makes business ownership simple and effective. This franchisee takes great care in providing the needed training and support for a variety of different levels of business acumen. As a result, now it is operated in more than 70 countries and has approximately 1100 franchise partners strong worldwide.

In an exclusive interview with Insights Success, Brad Sugars, CEO and Founder, sheds light on the company’s journey, the current industry scenario, and his vision for the company’s future.

What makes your company a preferred franchise choice over your competitors?

ActionCOACH is the organization that started the business coaching industry back in the early 90s. Now an international success, ActionCOACH is the largest and most successful business coaching franchise in the world.Our unique and in-depth system and business model offers our franchise partners a quick ROI with very limited start-up costs. Extensive training and ongoing support are made available to franchise partners in the form of IT, Marketing, Sales, and ongoing personal and business development.

ActionCOACH now operates in more than 70 countries and has nearly 1100 franchise partners strong worldwide.

Tell us more about your franchising opportunities, eligibility criteria, and benefits that a probable franchisee may receive.

ActionCOACH offers a franchise model geared for the entrepreneur that wants to own an asset that will increase in value over time. Our ‘FIRM model’ allows an owner to operate a professional business coaching firm in an exclusive territory, where they can add and bring on an unlimited number of employee business coaches to improve their revenue stream and serve their community.

Business experience for our franchise owners is key, but ActionCOACH takes great care in providing the needed training and support for a variety of different levels of business acumen. In-depth coaching and system training prepare our franchise owners and accelerate their business trajectory quickly.

Marketing and sales support, as well as ongoing IT expertise, is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to ensure our franchise partners succeed. The coaching system has been developed, proven, and tested over more than 25 years and continues to be enhanced and improved to meet the business needs of today’s ever-changing marketing place.

How did the COVID-19 pandemic impact your daily operations and what were the challenges that you faced?

The global pandemic brought our franchise community together in several ways. Weekly webinars, daily check-ins, and increased activity on our social media-focused the entire organization on providing businesses globally the support they needed in this unprecedented time.

More than 300 pieces of content were created including videos, infographics, tip sheets-books, checklists, and more to help small businesses manage and navigate the turbulent times. Our coaches quickly adapted to the virtual delivery of coaching and grew their group coaching offerings to serve more businesses in their community.

ActionCOACH offered franchise partners in the hardest-hit areas royalty relief and additional coaching support to keep their businesses viable through the worst of the lock-down periods. The ActionCOACH culture is shown through franchise partners banding together and supporting one another, co-hosting virtual events, and sharing webinars filled with learning and inspiration around the world.

ActionCOACH never stopped moving forward and encouraged our franchise partners to help their clients pivot to meet the demands the pandemic has put on their business. Over the last two years collectively, our franchise partners have not only seen a growth in their revenue and client base in our 2021 ‘Net Promoter Survey’, but results also showed that 80% of the more than 900 clients surveyed said since they started working with ActionCOACH their business’ revenue had increased even in the midst of the worldwide COVID pandemic.

When it comes to adapting to the evolving customer needs and trends, do you think it is necessary to align one’s business with the latest technological developments? If yes, how does your company cater to this necessity?

ActionCOACH employs a full team of technology and marketing experts who are at the cutting edge of new trends. Our coaching tools, the coaching portal, and other programs like ActionCOACH Membership (launching this quarter) are all examples of new innovations and new opportunities for growth that ActionCOACH is bringing to our community.

ActionCOACH is constantly seeking out expertise to bring their knowledge to our community during our regional and global conferences. Strong and lasting strategic alliances with vendors and providers give our franchise partners a distinct competitive advantage in the marketplace.

As an established franchise leader, what would be your advice to the budding entrepreneurs planning to own franchise business?

ActionCOACH believes that doing your homework is important. Due diligence is critical to understanding the nuances of any business opportunity. Talking to existing owners is a great way to help with decision-making, but ActionCOACH also doesn’t believe in over-thinking it… Gather information and ensure that you have a strong support team is in place.

Make sure that those around you believe as much as you do in the endeavour you are about to undertake. Dream BIG, but don’t let those who don’t believe in you hold you back. Don’t be held back by those that can’t see your vision and finally don’t wait until the perfect time, because it simply doesn’t exist.

If you want to transform your life and create a business that will actually change the lives of owners in your community while affording, you the lifestyle you have always dreamed of, waiting will only delay your future.

Recognized by industry leaders around the world, ActionCOACH is listed among the most profitable, most rewarding, and best franchising opportunities available. Affordable, attainable, and filled with unlimited potential, an ActionCOACH franchise partner’s success is almost guaranteed.

How do you envision scaling your company’s operations in 2022?

ActionCOACH has a goal to be in more than 120 countries by 2025. We are launching franchises in Central Africa and Scandinavia this year, and we are encouraging our Master Licensees to seek out new pockets of business in their communities and regions. The development of Corporate Firms gives our Master Licensees a way to build territories and increase their value by creating a ready-made business that they can market.

Our largest and more successful ML in the UK has used the firm model and the corporate model to become the dominant business coaching provider in the United Kingdom. We are working with our partners in India, Japan, Ireland, and South Africa to do the same.

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