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Michele Bolton | credit: Amanda Kopcic Photography & Videography

Michele Bolton: Reshaping Healthcare Narratives with Purpose-Driven Empowerment Initiatives

Bridging Connections, Simplifying Solutions!

The landscape of personal and professional growth is an intricate tapestry woven with myriad experiences and lessons, navigating the contours of human endeavor. It is within this dynamic framework that individuals like Michele Bolton, a leader whose journey embodies resilience and adaptability, find their place. Rooted in foundational principles of faith, love, and accountability, Michele’s trajectory traverses diverse industries, each chapter shaping her into the visionary leader she is today.

As the Founder & CEO of MY911 Inc., Michele Bolton stands at the helm of an innovative venture poised to revolutionize healthcare management. Her journey is one marked by personal struggle and realization, fueling her commitment to address the shortcomings of the healthcare system. Through her company, Michele seeks to streamline healthcare information and provide personalized solutions, driven by a fervent desire to empower individuals facing medical uncertainties.

MY911 Inc. emerges as a beacon of hope amidst the tumult of healthcare challenges, embodying Michele’s unwavering dedication to effecting positive change. Founded upon the bedrock of personal experiences and entrepreneurial serendipity, the company symbolizes Michele’s ethos of embracing opportunity amidst adversity. By building bridges and simplifying solutions, MY911 Inc. epitomizes Michele’s vision of leveraging innovation to enhance lives and foster a brighter future for all.

Let’s delve in to learn more:

Navigating Personal and Professional Growth

Michele reflects on her upbringing in a large family, where she learned the values of faith, love, respect, work ethic, cooperation, teamwork, accountability, and sacrifice instilled by her amazing parents. These foundational principles have continued to shape her interactions and conduct in both personal and professional relationships.

In her personal life, Michele cherishes her role as a mother to one daughter, who is now married, and as a grandmother to two wonderful grandchildren. She also values the diverse circle of supportive friends who enrich her life with their various interests and skill sets, particularly those who share her passion for business and enjoyment of life’s offerings.

Michele’s career trajectory began in agriculture, where she co-created and expanded ventures alongside the family farming enterprise. While managing multiple roles in this field, she gradually transitioned into finance, particularly focusing on investments and wealth management and later into healthcare. Her entry into the investment sector stemmed from the recognition of her potential by clients from the agricultural realm, leading to her role as a Branch Administrator and subsequent advancement within the industry.

Throughout her tenure in wealth management, Michele dedicated herself to professional development, earning various designations from the Canadian Securities Institute. She played pivotal roles as a Team and Relationship Manager, as well as an Associate Investment Advisor, contributing to the growth and success of the team and the business. Despite the challenges posed by the evolving nature of the business and industry standards, Michele navigated them adeptly, ensuring a smooth client experience and fostering a cohesive team culture.

She acknowledges the complexities of managing a large practice, emphasizing the importance of balancing intelligence quotient (IQ) with emotional intelligence (EQ) to effectively lead and communicate within the team. Michele’s journey underscores the significance of adaptability, skillful leadership, and effective communication in driving business growth and maintaining a strong organizational culture.

Navigating Healthcare Challenges

The genesis of MY911 Inc. emerged from a pivotal moment of personal struggle and realization for Michele. Confronted with healthcare challenges throughout her twenties, Michele’s journey took a critical turn when she faced mortality at age 30, which later prompted a reevaluation of the healthcare system’s shortcomings.

In July 2018, amidst medical frustrations and a recurrence of health issues, Michele encountered glaring gaps in the healthcare system during successive appointments. The repetitive questioning and administrative hurdles compounded her anxiety and underscored the need for a more streamlined and personalized approach to healthcare information management.

Inspiration struck when Michele learned of friends encountering similar healthcare dilemmas while abroad, leading to the conceptualization of MY911 Inc. Recognizing the universal need for a comprehensive solution to navigate medical emergencies and streamline healthcare information, Michele devised the prototype for the company’s signature customized wallet cards.

Driven by her firsthand experiences and fueled by a desire to alleviate the frustrations shared by many, Michele’s innovative solution evolved into the foundation of MY911 Inc. The company’s inception underscores Michele’s commitment to transforming personal challenges into opportunities for impactful change within the healthcare landscape.

Striking Life’s Balance

Maintaining a balance between personal and professional commitments requires Michele to cultivate a disciplined mindset, organizational prowess, and a positive outlook. Having confronted her mortality at a young age, Michele emphasizes the paramount importance of prioritizing holistic health encompassing physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental well-being.

Following a life-altering experience, Michele’s perspective on life underwent a profound transformation, instilling in her a heightened appreciation for every moment and an even deeper sense of compassion. She recognizes the significance of embracing gratitude and seizing each day as an opportunity for growth and connection.

For Michele, clarity and direction are anchored by her guiding principle, her North Star. While remaining receptive to evolving opportunities and challenges, she underscores the necessity of staying true to one’s goals and objectives. By embracing adaptability and maintaining a steadfast focus on her vision, Michele navigates the dynamic landscape of entrepreneurship with resilience and purpose.

Embracing Entrepreneurial Serendipity

Michele reflects on her entrepreneurial journey with a robust appetite for business. While she didn’t initially have a specific industry or sector in mind, Michele’s career path unfolded organically, with each opportunity presenting itself unexpectedly.

Unlike her previous ventures, MY911 Inc. held a distinct allure for Michele—it seemed to choose her. Drawing upon her diverse work history and accumulated experience, Michele found that the skills acquired along the way proved invaluable in the establishment and management of the company.

Empowering Lives Through Purpose

Michele finds her driving force in the profound essence of life itself—an ethos centered on embracing every moment to its fullest potential. Rejecting the notion of mere existence, Michele fervently believes in the inherent purpose and significance imbued within each individual, resonating with the conviction to effect positive change.

For her, the realization of her purpose crystallized through the establishment of MY911 Inc., a venture dedicated to serving others and making a tangible difference in their lives. Witnessing the tangible impact of the company’s services on its members—providing them with heightened awareness, convenience, and peace of mind—evokes a deep sense of fulfillment.

Michele’s journey from conceptualizing a seemingly “simple idea” to actualizing it into a transformative service that empowers individuals is a source of profound gratification. By offering a solution that grants people greater control over their medical information, MY911 Inc. equips them with a powerful tool to navigate life’s uncertainties with confidence and agency.

Seizing Opportunity Amidst Crisis

Amidst the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Michele was then employed in wealth management and adeptly navigated the shift to remote work. Recognizing the potential for growth amidst the crisis, Michele seized the opportunity to leverage her time outside traditional work hours to advance her entrepreneurial pursuits.

While fulfilling her professional obligations remotely, Michele dedicated her evenings and weekends to pursuing her Family Enterprise Advisor (FEA) designation and advancing the development of MY911 Inc. Embracing the adage that crisis breeds opportunity, Michele channeled her energies into maximizing productivity during this tumultuous period.

Through a meticulous balance of work commitments, educational pursuits, and entrepreneurial endeavors, Michele harnessed the challenges posed by the pandemic to further her knowledge and accelerate the progress of MY911 Inc.

Building Bridges, Simplifying Solutions

Michele attributes a significant portion of her success to her innate ability to establish genuine connections and foster trust with others. She finds fulfillment in actively listening to individuals, valuing their narratives, and drawing insights from their diverse experiences and perspectives. As a critical thinker, Michele approaches situations with a comprehensive outlook, recognizing the multitude of viewpoints that contribute to a holistic understanding. She thrives in the creative realm of business, relishing in the process of innovation and problem-solving.

While Michele acknowledges her meticulous attention to detail as a strength, she also identifies it as a potential weakness, recognizing moments where she may become overly immersed in minutiae. To counterbalance this tendency, she proactively shifts her focus to a broader perspective, ascending to a higher vantage point to streamline decision-making processes and maintain simplicity in her approach.

Achievements Across Domains

Personal: Michele cherishes her daughter, Amanda, as her greatest personal achievement, considering her a miracle in her life. Michele expresses profound gratitude for Amanda’s presence and takes pride in her personal and professional growth. Amanda serves not only as a close friend but also as an inspiration and mentor to Michele. Recognizing the value of diverse perspectives, Michele acknowledges the importance of having mentors from various age groups, enabling her to understand different generational perspectives and needs.

Professional: Michele’s professional journey encompasses roles such as an Associate Investment Advisor, contributing to the success of a thriving wealth management practice. However, she views the establishment of MY911 Inc. as her most significant professional accomplishment. Transitioning from a simple idea to a marketable solution presented formidable challenges, yet overcoming these hurdles to bring MY911® to fruition remains profoundly rewarding for Michele.

Academic: Michele takes pride in her academic accomplishments in wealth management, which she achieved while balancing full-time employment. Returning to academic pursuits after decades outside the education system posed its challenges. Nevertheless, Michele successfully acquired numerous designations over a decade, fostering personal growth and benefiting both her business endeavors and clientele.

Embracing Life’s Journey

Michele underscores the fleeting and unpredictable nature of life, emphasizing the paramount importance of prioritizing health. Having undergone numerous emergency surgeries at a young age, Michele advocates for embracing the journey and extracting lessons from life’s experiences rather than solely fixating on reaching destinations.

Encouraging introspection, Michele urges individuals to contemplate their intrinsic purpose and how they can leverage their unique talents to make meaningful contributions to the world. She emphasizes the significance of recognizing one’s special gifts, finding genuine happiness, and contemplating the legacy one wishes to leave behind. Michele stresses that everyone’s message and legacy hold significance, underscoring the importance of cultivating a purposeful existence.

Continuous Learning and Self-Investment

She advocates for a lifelong commitment to learning and maintaining a curious mindset. Encouraging individuals to appreciate the diverse array of people they encounter in both personal and professional spheres, Michele believes that every interaction holds the potential for mutual growth and learning. Self-development takes on many forms for Michele, ranging from reading, attending online courses, listening to podcasts and interviews, to attending seminars and conferences that promote business entrepreneurship and success, such as Grant Cardone’s 10X Business System and annual 10X Growth Conference. Grant and his team provide a positive and inspiring environment to network, learn, thrive and succeed, creating an energy that’s second to none!

Fostering Positive Leadership

Throughout Michele’s career, numerous experiences have underscored her leadership prowess, but one particularly gratifying affirmation came unexpectedly when she received random phone calls from individuals inquiring about opportunities to join her team. These inquiries stemmed from word-of-mouth endorsements praising the exceptional working environment under Michele’s leadership.

Managing a large, dynamic team demands a delicate balance of intelligence quotient (IQ) and emotional quotient (EQ). Michele’s leadership style, characterized by respect, compassion, understanding, and effective communication, has yielded remarkable results. The positive feedback from individuals eager to join her team serves as a humbling validation of Michele’s approach to leadership.

For Michele, leadership is fundamentally about serving the people under her charge and empowering them to realize their full potential. By leading through example and providing avenues for growth, Michele fosters a culture of positivity and enables both the team and the business to flourish.