Imagine you come home one day and find numerous mails addressed to you. Upon opening, you learn you’re behind on payments, have upcoming bills to pay, and your account statement reflects you don’t have enough money. This is a nerve-wracking situation and not one you want to be in. But unfortunately, this is the reality for so many. In 2020, New Zealand’s national debt was around 95 billion US dollars.
In contrast, the per capita debt is about 17,000 dollars per person.
But don’t let these numbers scare you. It is natural to have some debts and loans to pay back. But when you’re continuously unable to, it becomes a problem. There is still time for you to reclaim your life and retake the charge of your payments. You should have no trouble getting back on your feet with minimal guidance. Here are ways to catch up on all the expenses you have missed out on:
- Consolidate Your Debts
The smartest move is debt consolidation if you have too much to pay back. This process allows you to sum up all your repayments into a precise amount. So instead of frantically dividing your money and ignoring smaller loans, all your payments are in one place. Once you have the number in front of you, apply for a loan to help you take care of delayed payments. You are in no position to wait any longer, and so by going onto websites like, you can assess the appropriate loan for your situation and apply.
Paying off delayed loans gives you the space to focus on current pending loans. You also get to improve your credit score, access other unsecured loan opportunities and have ample repayment time. These loan companies also don’t charge you additional interest as you struggle to get back on your feet.
- Start Maintaining A Budget
If you have always struggled with making timely repayments, it is high time to budget. You need to treat your money carefully. Don’t splurge when you are still trying to make ends meet. Likewise, spending should be minimal if you are saving up to buy a new house or a car. The best way to make a robust budget is to start with your income bracket. Safely count how much you make in a month after tax reduction. After that, deduct the utility bills you have to pay and the pending payments you need to settle.
The leftover money needs to go into savings or can get used for your expenses. It will help if you look into bulk purchasing, discounted deals, and buying things on sale. Living a frugal lifestyle can be distasteful, but unless you have a steady cash flow, can handle your bills, and manage your expenses without falling into a debt trap, you will need to curtail much of your costs.
- Speak To Your Creditors
You should keep your creditors in the loop about your financial standing. Evading them or ignoring their reminders may give them the wrong impression. Let them know if you are in no position to make a timely repayment or suddenly lost your job.
Most creditors understand the plight of having a debt, and they may extend your payment time, change their terms and relax penalties. Actively avoiding is never the way to go. This is where your communication skills come in handy, and you save yourself from digging into a deeper hole.
- Manage Subscriptions
Magazines, streaming services, and memberships cost money. There may have been a time when you could pay these off, but in current times if you are financially in a weak position, you may need to cancel them. The same holds for services you no longer use. Maybe you signed up for a magazine or a streaming network long back, and it has been months since you logged on. In such cases, let go of loose ends and extra expenses.
When you have glossy images and shiny new deals in front of you, it can make you reach for your credit card and make an expensive purchase. No matter how cheap the service may seem, saving every penny counts. You also protect yourself from impulsive buying.
- Look Into Cheaper Houses
Moving from your neighborhood is a big move, and it is understandable if you are hesitating. However, your housing plays a massive role in your expenses. If you live in a posh neighborhood, you pay twice the usual amount for upkeep. You can always come back to your lavish lifestyle once your finances are under control, but for now, move out.
If you rent a place, consider going for a cheaper area with rent or a smaller renting facility. If you have children, you may need them to share a room. An alternative option is to get a roommate or perhaps housemates.
This lets you divide the overall cost, and you can pay either half or one-fourth of the total bill. Moving away from the city enables you to explore lower housing prices. The commute may be longer, but you get to save up on paying big money. There are also lower mortgage payments available for you. These mortgages have a more down initial cost, and if you choose to live in a residential area of lower interest, you can save yourself from a price hike.
Final Thoughts
Ending up with tenfold bills to pay is unsavoury. It may push you into a difficult financial position, one in which you refuse to be. But, if you genuinely wish to get back on track, you may need to work on saving better and spending less. The first deed you need to settle is your loans. If you have too many debts accumulating, consolidate them and begin the repayment process.
You need to budget your moves and limit your expenses, not allowing a luxury lifestyle until you can afford it again. Try talking to your creditors so they go easy on you. Get rid of subscriptions you no longer use and move into a cheaper residential area to save on money and build your financial standing. Depending on how strictly you follow these rules, you will be back to your original position in a few months.