5 Tips For Using LinkedIn to Power up Your Executive Job Search

Using LinkedIn to Power up Your Executive Job Search

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LinkedIn to Power up Your Executive Job Search

In spite of there being some well-known exceptions, C-suite executives simply aren’t embracing social media. There are several reasons for this. Some execs simply aren’t tech-savvy. Many see social media as a bit frivolous. Others prefer privacy to personal branding. Then there’s this simple fact: Some executives don’t know how to use social media in a strategic way to help themselves build important career connections.

This last part can be particularly troublesome when it comes to the executive job search. Simply put, even an executive needs a social media presence if I want the best possible chance of landing a job that matches their expectations in career goals. After all, these are the jobs that are most often landed through connections. LinkedIn is the perfect place to begin to establish that presence. Keep reading for five tips to make that happen.

1. Understand how recruiters use social media to attract executive-level talent

Recruiters who specialize in working with c-suite executives use different techniques. If you understand this technique, and how they are applied to social media, you will be in a better position in your job search. Specifically, I want to know how they use LinkedIn to find and attract executive talent.
One thing that many recruiters do is use the tools provided to them through a LinkedIn recruiter. One of the filters that LinkedIn provides is company followers. This allows recruiters to identify candidates who I have already shown an interest in their companies by following them. So, if you’re interested in connecting with a specific firm oh, you should absolutely follow them.
To make the best of your personal network and connections you might want to consider giving Linkedin Marketing a shot.
2. Get the basics right
As you begin your job search, you will be competing for top positions against people who are very social media savvy. Chances are, each of them has taken the time to establish a very polished presence online.in order to Garner the same level of attention, you’ll have to start by nailing down the most basic aspect of your LinkedIn presence. That is your profile.
One of the most common mistakes that people make when creating their LinkedIn profile is to do the absolute bare minimum. Instead, take the time 2 complete every section of your LinkedIn profile. Use each section to highlight your skills, talents, and accomplishments. Upload a professional photo. Customize your LinkedIn URL with your name and relevant keywords. Use the summary section 2 tell your professional story. Finally, identify a handful of Target keyword phrases that are most relevant to your skills and experience. Use those liberally in your profile content, so you attract the right recruiters. Optimizing your LinkedIn profile is key.
3. Use LinkedIn as a tool to develop thought leadership
LinkedIn is a great platform for convincing hiring authorities and other professional contacts that you are a leader in your field. Bolster your reputation by creating and curating content on LinkedIn that boosts your thought leadership. By sharing industry-relevant content that showcases your expertise, and allows you to share your thoughts, you begin to position yourself as an industry leader.
Also, don’t forget the social side of the Lincoln platform. You can also seek out content and conversations that are relevant to your expertise. Not only does this allow you to showcase your knowledge, but it also gives you the opportunity to connect with others.
Take advantage of LinkedIn’s Pulse. It’s an online content sharing platform that allows members to self-publish articles and other content for members of their target audience. Try writing a few articles to show your expertise, and widen your audience.
4. Keep Your Skills And Expertise Section Up to Date
LinkedIn allows you to list up to 50 skills and areas of expertise in your profile. Don’t let this section grow stagnant. Chances are, you gain new experience, and master new skills all the time. Use this space to show your technical competencies, leadership skills, and other capabilities. Then, identify your top five skills. Make certain that these are included at the top of your list.
5. Aggressively Grow Your Contact List
The more valuable contacts you have, the more fruitful your job search efforts will be. Unfortunately, too many people take a passive approach to this. That’s a shame because the entire purpose of the platform is to encourage people to connect with others. Your list of potential connections includes potential business partners, former employees, coworkers, friends, principals at companies that interest you, industry influencers, and more.
Here are a few things you can do to grow your list organically.
• Reach Out Offline
Do you attend a regular business luncheon, go to an annual conference, or volunteer in your community? Adding the people you meet there to LinkedIn is no different than adding them to Facebook.
• Post Frequent Updates
Every time one of your connections likes, shares, or comments on one of your status updates, their connections see that. If people in their network think your updates are relevant to them, they may reach out to connect with you.
• Connect With The Contacts You Have
Treat the contacts that you’ve already made as if they are important to you. Read their statuses, leave comments, and if they are relevant to share them with your audience. Give them a boost, and they may reciprocate by doing the same.
• Send Personalized Requests
Forget about LinkedIn’s generic ‘connect’ requests. Instead, reach out with a personalized message when you ask to connect with someone. Let them know why you want to connect. For example, you might say, ‘Hey there, I’m an executive at ABC company. I read the article you shared and thought it was really insightful. I’d like to connect.’
Whatever you do, avoid paying for connections. It’s a waste of money, and won’t add any value to your LinkedIn presence.
Final Thoughts
When it comes to searching for C-suite level jobs, LinkedIn is an exceptionally invaluable tool. Use it to build and strengthen your professional network, to show your thought leadership, and to make yourself ‘findable’ to people looking for someone with your talents.
Diana Nadim is a writer and editor who has a Master degree in Marketing. She combines her passion for writing with her interest in research and creates thought-provoking content in various fields. Besides working as a contributor writer for TopEssayWriting, Diana also runs her own blog. What inspires her the most in her writing is traveling and meeting new people. Follow her on Twitter.

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