Cyber Security
Business owners follow proven security schemes to block out criminals and cyber attacks. IT standards provide guidance about how to keep data systems and networks safe. Compliance with IT standards lowers risks for businesses and ensures that they use the best security schemes. Business owners review five common cybersecurity mistakes and learn how to avoid them.
- Overburdening On-Site IT Staff
An overburdened IT staff is likely to make mistakes when managing cybersecurity. The staff manages the network and all business services it provides daily. The network administrator corrects issues with all IT equipment and maintains connections for workers and the business owner. The data systems administrator manages all data centers and servers. Without enough staff, cybersecurity isn’t addressed properly. Business owners can learn more about Managed IT Services and review plans that help their on-site staff keep the network and servers safer.
- Mismanaging Updates and Patches for OS and Software
Software developers release updates and patches for the software and operating systems regularly. The network administrator must complete or schedule these updates as they become available. If they mismanage the updates and patches, it opens the doors to cyber-attacks through known vulnerabilities. Outsourced cybersecurity services ensure that the updates and patches are applied to all workstations and servers.
- Data is Not Backed Up
Backing up the company’s data prevents data loss or corruption. Each time workers change any files or documents, they must back up the information. Outsourcing firms generate and store backup media for the business owner. Backups are critical for disaster recovery and prevent the company from losing information. Without backups, the company loses data and won’t know what details an attacker got during a security breach.
- Unfamiliar With Managing IT Security Schemes
Workers unfamiliar with managing IT security schemes could make critical mistakes that leave the company’s data vulnerable. Even if the workers have formal IT training, they might not understand all forms of vulnerabilities or risks the company faces. Managed services provide the company with workers who have advanced knowledge of IT security schemes and standards. Outsourcing cybersecurity to an off-site staff gives the company a faster turnaround for mitigating risks and repairing issues. Cybercriminals attack the network and data systems at any time, and companies that aren’t monitoring their network on a 24-hour basis are at risk.
- Using Weak Passwords
A common issue for business owners, and even customers, is weak passwords. Too often, they use details about their lives as passwords. This isn’t wise, and it could lead to a security breach quickly. All the criminals must do is get the information and begin entering personal details to sign in to the network or the data systems. Weak passwords are common phrases and expressions without numbers or symbols. Shorter passwords aren’t beneficial and make it easier to break into the network. Business owners that use their own personal information to create passwords create vulnerabilities, too. A brief conversation helps a criminal find out the business owner’s first pet’s name easily.
Business owners must make cybersecurity a top priority. Even a simple vulnerability gives criminals access to registry files and opens the door to malicious software. Once the criminals get into the network, they can take it over and steal customer data. Business owners who take cybersecurity seriously and get help from experts stop attacks and keep their customers safe.
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