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4 Common Photography Mistakes Everyone Makes

You finally bought your first DSLR camera, and you’ve been anxiously waiting for it to show up in the mail. The minute it hits your mailbox, you grab it and rush to your nearest coffee shop to take pictures.

However, what you get is an uneven exposure, incorrect focus, and a barrage of other common photography mistakes.

Sound familiar? If so, you’re in luck because we wrote this guide to help you get past these issues. From taking perfect DSLR photos to video to lighting, this guide has it all.

Let’s get started!

  1. Not Using Tools To Edit Photos

One of the most common photography mistakes is not investing in and using the right tools to edit photos. Professional-looking photos demand good photography skills, but good post-processing software can help to optimize your photos, giving them a modern and professional look.

Many basic and advanced photo editing tools are now available, allowing for the easy removal of unwanted and distracting elements, the need to change the background, exposure, and color balance adjustments, and the addition of creative effects. Without help from technology, it is nearly impossible to reach the ideal look of a photo.

All DSLR owners, even amateur photographers, should familiarize themselves with the basics of post-processing tools, so they can make the most out of their photos.

  1. Lack of Composition

A photo’s composition, or frame, is determined by how a scene is presented. Factors such as angle, depth, and scale are all part of creating a well-balanced photograph. The poor composition can result in distracting elements that take away from the main subject.

When photographing, it is important to think about how the photo will appear once it is finished. Experiment with different angles, look for interesting lines and shapes, and try to create a sense of harmony.

  1. Overexposure

Overexposure is when the image is too bright, making washed-out areas, where the sky and white areas appear scribbly and noisy. Underexposure is when the image is too dark, making it hard to see the details of the photograph because of the bright noise.

When either of these occurs, the photo can be lost and can not be salvaged. Understanding the brightness of a photo and using the right exposure is one of the most important steps to achieving a beautiful photograph. You can also use a light meter to help you achieve the lighting you need.

  1. Neglecting the Rule of Thirds

This rule states that the subject of a photo should be placed along a line or intersection point of an imaginary tic-tac-toe-like grid. Using the Rule of Thirds helps create balance and visual interest in the composition of a photo. Not using this technique can lead to a static, uninteresting photo as the subject is often centered.

This simple technique of dividing the picture into thirds allows the photographer to place the subject along one of the lines to produce a more appealing image.

Avoid These Photography Mistakes 

Photography mistakes are an important lesson to learn for amateur and professional photographers alike. Making sure to avoid blur, overexposure, and not having a good workflow will help you take your photography to the next level. With practice, everyone can make beautiful, eye-catching images. Get started today and never make the same photography mistake twice!

Interested in learning more about how to become a better photographer? Take a look at our blog for more tips and tricks.