11 Steps for College Students to Increase Creativity through Watching Inspiring Content


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Creativity – a word that is thrown around often in the world of academia.

But what does it really mean?
Creativity can be defined as having new and original ideas or producing things in an unconventional way. Creativity can fade away quickly when you are constantly bombarded with lectures, essays, and assignments day after day.
College students can often find themselves feeling burnt out and uninspired. We all know that it’s essential to take a break from studying now and then, and what better than watching something that sparks creativity?
But what content should college students watch online to find that spark of creativity?
This blog post is about how watching inspiring videos on YouTube or TED talks can help increase creativity. We will discuss the 11 steps you can take to make sure your mind stays fresh, creative, and full of new ideas!
Step One: Turn off the TV and stop using social media. This will give you an opening to think about what inspires you personally or professionally on a deeper level.
Step two: Go to TED talks, YouTube channels, or other video websites and find a video that you’ve never seen before.
Sometimes you may come across really great suggestions for inspiring content, but such websites could have region-restricted content. We know this is irritating on another level! But you can always buy static residential proxy to easily access such websites.
Step three: Watch the whole thing! This is particularly important, as watching videos in their entirety can help give your creativity a boost.
Step four: Take notes on what resonates with you the most from this inspiring talk or video. It doesn’t have to be anything groundbreaking, but something simple like “I liked how they pointed out XYZ” will do just fine. It would be best if you captured these ideas when they come up. Because if you don’t write them down immediately, there’s no way of remembering them later.
Step five: Reflect for about an hour after watching this new content – think about what inspired you personally, what you learned, and if it made your creative juices flow.Step six: Reflect on the notes that you wrote down from Step four while still in this reflective state of mind. This will help connect these ideas with thoughts coming up during reflection; hence, we recommend taking them first when they come to you!
Step seven: Now, think about three concrete ways or actions steps for how you can implement some of these new insights into your life as a college student.
Step eight: Engage with content that’s relevant to yourself through an article, video, photo gallery, etc., but take caution not to get lost in this content to the point of distraction.
Step nine: Reflect again on what you just watched or read and see if this second round has made any new connections that will inspire your creativity going forward – most likely it won’t but try anyway!
Step ten: Now, let’s talk about ensuring that you don’t get burned out by all these steps. Keep in mind that when you feel burnt out, there is a higher chance of negative thoughts like, “I can never be creative” or “there’s nothing good enough.”
You should work towards reframing those thoughts into something positive such as “maybe I need some time off from school,” which could result in better self-care and less stress overall. This means taking an occasional break from school to enjoy other things in life.
Step eleven: Use a day off as an opportunity to explore what inspires you personally and professionally. Get out of the house, take some time for yourself, let your creativity flow! This will give you more ideas about how you can be creative going forward, even if it’s just by taking care of yourself emotionally or physically.
Each one of these steps is critical when trying to increase creativity through watching inspiring content on YouTube or TED talks because they help stimulate your mind.
This, in turn, helps with improving critical thinking skills that may have been dulled after studying too much at college. It is also crucial not to get stuck in this process without coming up for air from time to time. Make sure that you take a break from this process as necessary.
The key takeaway is simply being open-minded and willing to explore. That’s why we recommend watching the content you wouldn’t usually watch.
Moreover, spending time in nature, reading a book written by someone else who has an interesting perspective on life, or exploring the world around you is another way to find that creative spirit.

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