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10 Important Considerations When Preparing a Will

Throughout history, inheritance and succession have been important themes in the epic tales of ancient civilizations. The use of a type of legal document called a will, which outlines how a person’s possessions should be distributed after their death, has played a significant role in the development of societies. Examples of these documents, like those found in the Sumerian King Lists of Mesopotamia and ancient Egyptian wills, demonstrate the historical recognition and respect for an individual’s testamentary wishes.

Today, the will remains a crucial aspect of estate planning, helping maintain order and familial harmony in the aftermath of one’s passing. As you embark on the journey of preparing a will, it is essential to consider key factors that will ensure your wishes are honored and your legacy preserved. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the important considerations that should not be overlooked, shedding light on the intricate dance between historical traditions and modern legal frameworks as we navigate the fascinating world of wills and testamentary dispositions.

  1. Seeking Professional Assistance

Although it is possible to create a will without professional assistance, consulting with an estate planning attorney or financial advisor is highly recommended. These professionals can provide guidance on the legal and financial aspects of estate planning, help ensure the will is legally valid, and offer strategies to minimize taxes and maximize the inheritance for beneficiaries.

  1. Choosing an Executor for Your Will

One of the initial steps in drafting a will is to decide who the executor of the will should be. Perhaps you’ve even found yourself going online and searching for who should be executor of will. If you’re confused about this step, we’re here to help.

The executor is responsible for carrying out the terms of the will and ensuring that assets are distributed according to the testator’s wishes. It is crucial to select someone trustworthy, responsible, and capable of handling the administrative and legal aspects of the process. Many individuals choose a family member, close friend, or professional, such as an attorney or accountant, to act as their executor.

When selecting an executor, consider their age, health, and ability to handle complex tasks. It is also prudent to discuss the appointment with the chosen executor beforehand to ensure they are willing to take on the responsibility.

  1. Beneficiaries and Asset Distribution

When dividing your assets among beneficiaries, think about who should get particular items, cash gifts, or portions of the estate. Make sure to factor in any legal responsibilities, such as debts or child support, that might impact the allocation of assets.

It is important to not only decide who gets what in your will but also to consider the potential consequences if the distribution is unequal among beneficiaries. To prevent any disagreements or legal action, it is suggested that you explain the reasons for your allocation decisions either in your will or in a separate letter.

  1. Guardianship for Minor Children

If the testator has minor children, appointing a legal guardian is a critical aspect of estate planning. The guardian is responsible for the children’s care, upbringing, and financial management until they reach the age of majority. Choose a guardian who shares the testator’s values and is willing and able to provide a stable, loving environment for the children.

It is also essential to discuss the appointment with the potential guardian and have a backup plan in case they are unable or unwilling to assume the role.

  1. Addressing Debts and Taxes

It’s important to include provisions for debt and tax payment in a complete will. This means that before assets are distributed to beneficiaries, any outstanding debts, like mortgages, loans, or credit card balances, must be paid from the estate. The executor is responsible for making sure that all debts are settled in compliance with legal requirements.

Similarly, the will should address any potential tax liabilities, including estate taxes and income taxes on inherited assets. Consultation with a tax professional or estate planning attorney can provide guidance on minimizing tax burdens for beneficiaries.

  1. Establishing Trusts

Setting up a trust can be advantageous for estate planning in certain situations. Trusts offer benefits such as asset protection, tax advantages, and the ability to supervise the allocation of assets to beneficiaries. There are different types of trusts with their respective pros and cons. Seeking guidance from a lawyer or financial advisor can aid in determining if a trust is suitable for the testator’s specific needs and objectives.

Trusts can be especially useful when providing for minor children, individuals with special needs, or beneficiaries who may not be financially responsible or capable of managing a large inheritance.

  1. Charitable Giving

People who want to support certain causes can include charitable donations in their wills. They can specify the amount or percentage of their estate to be donated to a specific organization. This could also offer tax benefits for the estate in some cases.

To ensure that your donation is used appropriately, you should research the reputation and effectiveness of the charity before choosing one. When including a charity in your will, be sure to provide their complete legal name, address, and tax identification number to avoid any confusion or misallocation of funds.

  1. Reviewing and Updating Your Will

As life circumstances change, it is crucial to review and update the will to ensure it remains accurate and reflective of the testator’s current wishes. Events such as marriage, divorce, the birth of children, the death of beneficiaries or the executor, and significant changes in financial circumstances may necessitate revisions to the will.

Legal professionals recommend reviewing the will every few years or after any major life event to ensure it remains current and valid.

  1. Consideration of Digital Assets

Managing and distributing digital assets has become crucial in the era of technology. These assets comprise online financial accounts, social media profiles, email accounts, as well as digital files such as photos, videos, and documents. To ensure the rightful beneficiaries get access to them, clear instructions should be included in the will regarding how to manage and distribute these assets.

To make things easier, it’s a good idea to make a list of all your digital assets, like account information, usernames, and passwords. Keep this list in a safe place that your executor can access, either with your will or separately.

  1. Legal Formalities and Witness Requirements

To ensure a will is legally valid, it must adhere to the specific formalities and witness requirements outlined in the jurisdiction where the will is executed. Generally, a will must be in writing, signed by the testator, and witnessed by two or more competent individuals who are not beneficiaries of the will.

Failure to meet these requirements may result in the will being deemed invalid, and the estate may be distributed according to the intestacy laws of the jurisdiction, which may not align with the testator’s wishes.


Preparing a will is an essential aspect of estate planning that requires careful consideration of various factors. By addressing the ten important considerations outlined in this article, individuals can create a comprehensive and legally sound will that protects their assets, honors their wishes, and provides for their loved ones.