Why Your Company Should Use Cloud-Based Network Monitoring and Management Software

That cloud-based management service has become the new normal shouldn’t be a surprise. Yet with expanding usage comes much-needed added security to monitor performance. We want to demonstrate why your company should use cloud-based network monitoring and management software.

Quickly: Why You Want It

Your business cannot afford to use the cloud and not have proper monitoring and management. Without it, there can be under-resourcing of workloads, downtime, delayed app response times, data breaches and more. Proper monitoring and management improve response times, resource consumptions, availability, performance levels and security.

Easy Maintenance

Cloud-based server monitoring minimizes the maintenance required for hardware. These processes become the responsibility of the host, your cloud service provider. You never concern yourself with dependencies, compatibility, or conflicts.

Agility and Scalability

In terms of management, there is a greater chance of growth efficiency with cloud-based situations. Under the watchful eye of experts, your infrastructure grows organically. The ability to add services and workstations requires no physical action on your end. It’s an on-demand process. Under these guidelines, IT admins won’t have to design peak loads.

Deployments & Saving

Based on a model of subscription-based pricing, cloud monitoring and maintenance services promise to keep budgets low and manageable. You pay only for the systems you want monitored. As there is no network infrastructural altering, you have the capacity to convert capital expenditure expenses into operating costs.


As you’ll be independent of your systems, cloud monitoring offers a unique view of your operations, workstations and servers. It’s also beneficial to business continuity and inside disaster recovery situations. All informational assets are secured safely on the server side.

Remote Management

Cloud-based operations are lightweight. They act as agents to monitor healthy workstations and servers. IT will manage communication between the cloud and operatives. That means total visibility across monitored computers whether or not they’re on your corporate network.

Location and Device

Mobility is at your fingertips with cloud-based software. Employers can browse tablets, use a smartphone, or sit at a workstation and know what’s happening across all web-based consoles via a browser regardless of location. No more complex software installs or admin consoles or finding a keyboard and monitor to manage computational operations.

Data Security

Cloud solutions come with stringent control over endpoints of data. This mitigates risks. You’ll have solutions that can scan, analyze and react before data leaves the network. This minimizes the possibility of data loss. It can classify data before network download to sidestep data breaches and malware.

Cloud Storage and Servers

Cloud sprawl, or cloud overprovisioning, carelessly uses resources, wastes availability, and will disrupt performance. With tools offered by reliable providers, you’ll find issues and implement proper procedures and policies that advance mitigate sprawl. They pull back natural resources and network use when required.
When it comes to monitoring and management of the cloud, you have to track performance and consumption. This requires manpower and time you can’t afford. You want proper solutions like those offered by Auvik to manage the balance between risks and benefits of the cloud.

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