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Want to Become a Trainer and Assessor? Here’s How

Do you define yourself as a fitness addict? Have you dedicated your entire life to fitness and sport, finished various schools related to it, overcome numerous challenges, and simply worked hard to perfect your fitness skills?

People who say yes to all of these questions are usually unstoppable when it comes to training and fitness. A majority of them have already obtained different degrees and certifications and are looking for new ways to improve themselves.

If that’s the case with you, then maybe you should consider becoming a trainer and assessor. Over the past few years, trainers and assessors have become huge assets in different industries, and by becoming one, you will open the doors of numerous opportunities. So, how do you become one? Keep reading to find out!

All You Need to Know About Becoming a Trainer & Assessor

The Benefits of Becoming a Trainer and Assessor

As it was mentioned in the beginning, something like this gives you a world full of possibilities. It can either be your full-time job and turn it into a real career, or if not, it can become your side hustle. Whatever you decide, you will benefit from it.

If you decide to pursue this, you will be able to work on your skills regarding coaching, mentoring, presenting, researching, and even professional writing. The truth is there’s room for everyone who is willing to try.

Another great thing about it is the fact that this job is in very high demand, which means that there’s always be numerous career opportunities. For the time being, Australian fitness, recreation, and sports industries are experiencing huge growth, which means that there’s an increased demand for new, experienced, and talented people.

What Does It Take for You to Be a Trainer and Assessor of The Fitness Training Package?

The assessment conditions of each industry training package differ. For instance, when it comes to the fitness training package, if you’re assessing Certificate III, you will need to obtain Certificate IV in Fitness.

Many people worry that they’re not going to be able to obtain this certificate, but they shouldn’t stress over it. Namely, there are a lot of Cert IV course providers that can help you blast off your career. Furthermore, if you’re assessing the Certificate IV in Fitness, then you have to obtain the Diploma of Fitness, or even higher, something like a Bachelor of Exercise Science.

Anything Else That You Need to Know?

What Are you Going to Learn in This Qualification?

Generally speaking, all these packages are developed in consultation with the industry they are intended for. Nowadays, the training and assessment qualification, such as the fitness training qualifications, offers a variety of different things to prepare people for different areas of expertise their future employers may demand.

Additionally, a single elective unit can vary. Namely, it all depends on which the RTO is providing. However, the main subjects of the 40116-Certificate IV in Training and Assessment involve:

  • Plan assessment activities and processes
  • Assess Competence
  • Design and Develop assessment tools
  • Plan, organize and deliver group-based learning
  • Participate in assessment validation
  • Plan, organize and facilitate learning in the place you work
  • Design and create learning programs
  • Address adult language, literacy, and numeracy skills
  • Utilize training packages and accredited courses to meet the demands and needs of your clients

What Does RTO Represent?

Above, we’ve mentioned RTO (Registered Training Organizations), but we haven’t given you any details when it comes to this. So, what is it exactly? Namely, RTO works in the VET, which stands for Vocational Educational and Training system, which is properly regulated.

Furthermore, vocational training focuses on competency as well as on employment and occupational outcomes. So, in order to meet the necessary requirements, the Trainers and Assessors RTO’s employ should:

  1. Have the latest industry skills and hold vocational competencies vital to the training and assessment required
  2. Have the necessary knowledge and skills that are crucial for vocational training. The best example of it is the latest Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
  3. Work on professional development

Duties Of a Trainer and Assessor

  • Monitoring and evaluating candidates’ competency while they are working
  • Examining candidates’ portfolios of evidence
  • Uncovering how candidates would behave in atypical situations
  • Providing useful advice and feedback if they do not meet the demands
  • Attending standardization meetings with other assessorsWant to Become a Trainer and Assessor? Here’s How

As you can see, being a trainer and assessor can be very beneficial and lucrative. However, in order to become one, you need to go through a relatively complex process. So carefully read everything that’s been written before making any decisions.