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Vidyard: A Trusted Name for Online Video Strategic Solutions

In today’s world, there is hardly anyone who is unaware of the terms or usage of “Online Video.” Let it be the US scenario or Global, the picture is similar everywhere. The world has witnessed an explosion in the industry of online video which is mostly motivated by the modern technological improvements, major investments by media companies in audio-video storytelling format and huge initiatives from social media platforms.
While talking about the commercial perspective of online video, one must mention that video on the web has transformed itself to be an extremely important content medium for modern businesses. It is also said by the experts of this industry that most enterprises or business corporations lack the tools and expertise that is required to leverage it effectively across their business. Vidyard is one such establishment which expertises on providing strategic online video solutions to some of the leading companies in the world.
Vidyard is currently the leading video platform that helps companies like Microsoft, Honeywell, Sun Life Financial, McKesson, Lenovo, LinkedIn, Cision, Citibank, MongoDB, Gainsight, Marketo and Sharp to embrace video as a strategic and integrated part of their businesses. It is one such platform which goes much beyond the basic video hosting and management. The company not only support their clients to communicate, market and sell their products and services, but it assists them to use video to develop their reach, hasten sale-cycles, instigate new leads, enhance customer service and boost the efficiency of internal communications.

Vidyard’s Products and Services that Lead the Online Video Industry

Vidyard is a world-class company with products that are catering to services like video hosting and management, video content personalization, live streaming, interactive video, video analytics and tools to simplify video creation and sharing by employees. With native integrations into leading marketing and sales platforms, Vidyard makes it easy to leverage video content and viewership data to drive greater audience engagement and to better understand the client’s customers.
Vidyard is also known for empowering and supporting sales representatives. It assists individual employees to easily record and share personal messages while tracking who’s really getting engaged in their content with their free Viewedlt tool. Vidyard helps their clients to keep a track on who’s watching which video content across both desktop and mobile devices, as well as how long they’re staying engaged in each message. With the Vidyard’s useful tools, companies can track and report each and every detail so that that they can better understand which type of content is resonating more with their partners, customers and their own employees. This is very powerful because it enables brands to not only identify who’s engaging in which content, but they can see exactly how long they watched and which parts they chose to skip or replay.

Evolution keeps Vidyard ahead of its competitors

No business can survive being stagnant. With change in every moment, Vidyard is transforming their services and making themselves better so as to remain ahead of their competitors. They engage themselves in interactions with the customers regarding their prospects, service and service outcomes. They use a variety of solutions to help monitor trends and better understand the objectives of potential buyers and maintain a track record of existing clients.
We view technology not as a replacement for people or processes, but as a tool to help us work smarter and to deliver the most personal and engaging experience possible,” says the founding pillars of Vidyard.

How can companies distinguish Vidyard from others?

Gone are the days when companies used to develop generalized content for all their clients. Currently the trend is to provide personalized content and Vidyard offers each of its clients with personalized content and specifically personalized videos. With Vidyard’s services, brands are serving up unique video content that seamlessly weaves through viewer’s name, company name, title or any other unique information related to that individual that is at their disposal. These types of videos are driving conversion rates that are 5x-10x higher than traditional content.

Appreciation is a quality which every CEO must have

The Co-founder and CEO of Vidyard, Michael Litt, has a simple and humble personality who has a habit of constantly appreciating the qualities of his fellow colleagues and subordinates. It is in his nature to inspire his teammates to deliver the best of themselves. He considers the whole community as his stakeholders. Under Michael’s leadership, Vidyard never stops innovating. Even though he has lost his source of inspiration, his father, when the company was three years old, Michael moved on with his passion and dedication. He says that building from nothing to something is an almost impossible task but Vidyard has made it possible through the passion and hard work of each member.

The Leader’s Message to budding Entrepreneurs

There’s no easy path to building a successful business. You need to personally convince your first users or customers to exchange your product for their time and/or money. Spending time doing anything else is futile when you’re an early entrepreneur. Busy works (i.e. legal, accounting, etc.) is non-productive but feels good to do. So, avoid the feel-good stuff, and instead do the hard stuff. What you learn from those early conversations will power your passion for the next 1000+ conversations. I would also recommend building a solution to a problem you’ve experienced already, versus a problem you think exists,” asserts the CEO of Vidyard.

Source :- The 10 Most Innovative Media and Entertainment Companies 2017