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TWT Group: Offering IT Solutions by Embracing Innovations

The world has witnessed every possible range of technological advancements, yet new innovations are consistently surpassing the previous ones. With technological disruption, it has often become a need to implement upgraded innovations in order to keep up with the requirements of the modern organizations.
A forward-thinking and optimistic infrastructure is what every organization is aiming for, as such most preferred IT solution providers who are compatible enough with the future up-gradations.
With an unyielding commitment to implementing a results-driven collaborative approach through adapting Microsoft Azure, TWT Group, an IT solution provider is hailing high in the market. The company itself believes that lending off out-dated business practices and enacting new innovations is the perfect way to grow. It provides solutions to several sectors such as agriculture, financial services, real estate, oil and gas, and construction. The company not only aids in the setup of IT networks, hardware, and software but also offers guidance through the implementation phase.
The prime focus of the TWT group is to provide a better quality of the services which further helps it to build a trust-worthy relationship with their clients. With a two-year growth rate of 143%, it was recognized as one of the top 50 start-ups in the year 2016.
Assisting Clients through the processes   
TWT Group always had a keen interest in leading edge of new technology and innovation. Consequently, with the introduction of cloud services in the market, the company has been comforting its clients with the new platform. In order to clearly articulate benefits of advancements to the clients, TWT Group first ensures their team is clear and knowledgeable on what are they selling. This method has resulted in positive outcomes for the clients. Lowered costs flexibility and strong reliable infrastructure are huge benefits in the SMB world, thus the company recognized the need to introduce such facilities to the clients. While maintaining their goal of providing cost savings initiatives and developing thoughtful relationships with their clients, a cornerstone in their growth model.
Proficient Leader with a Fine Vision
Born and bred in Calgary—Shawn Freeman founded TWT Group with the goal of marketing ‘IT’ in a way more easily understood, instead of complicating the process. He prefers to keep an open concept environment in his company’s workspace, as he firmly believes in building good relationships with his team. The founder has faith in new advancements as they can be more reliable than the out-dated business practices. With a strong approach towards client satisfaction.
Prior to TWT Group, Shawn completed his bachelor’s degree in B.Sc from the University of Calgary and then further masters from the University of Waterloo. His diversified knowledge in data mining, data structures, and management has helped him to drive his company more efficiently. Meanwhile, he has also been certified by Microsoft and ITIL Foundations V3 as a professional and specialist.
In addition, Shawn pursues numerous speaking engagements, most recently presenting on hiring practices at DisruptHR Exchange, and on TWT’s unique business model at The Measurable Difference. He sincerely has a faith that by sharing knowledge, it will create a stronger community, city and ultimately lead to success for his own career and company.
Being Ethical
TWT Group has recognized the need for compatibility between the solutions providers and enterprises, so it prescribed certain basic elements to follow. Specifically centered around the companies core values which are Freedom, Relationships, and Innovation and ‘Do What’s Right’; implanting likewise amenities creates a collaborative team approach ensuring a more cohesive, stronger team. Shawn created an environment focused on creating an optimistic atmosphere in their workplace resulting in a general feeling of freedom where one can put forth ideas for the company’s clients. Along with freedom and relationships, they also place an emphasis on new innovations and ethics. Being truthful plays a crucial role for TWT group in order to sustain the relationships with their customers. The company consistently invests in its staff on both business and personal development for producing loyalty driven results.
An Optimistic View towards the Future
TWT Group works with a perfect agenda of teamwork and collaborative execution in order to meet their targets. The core functions of the company on a day-to-day basis are solving problems, building relationships, researching the latest security exploits, and strategizing with clients on their growth and plans. By setting continuous and far-reaching standards TWT sets the bar high and consistently achieves.
TWT Group has focus and determination that fuels their plan to sustain their stature in the IT industry. With a strong team and fixed core values, TWT Group has become a trusted go-to an advisor in the field.
Clients Speak
“We had the best year in the history of our company the past two years running because we’ve been able to focus on our core competencies and not be bogged down with issues associated with a poor IT infrastructure. TWT’s IT approach has helped us transform our business.”
-Doug McCrae, Vice President, CIP Document Solution
Source :-The 10 Best Performing Azure Service Providers 2018