The manufacturing industry saw the highest rise of 112% in job opening post-pandemic

manufacturing industry

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When the lockdown was imposed last year to curb the spread of coronavirus that impacted almost every industry. However, according to the data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics leisure and hospitality sectors were impacted the most with over 8.2 million people laid off between February to April 2020.
Now that the most lockdown restrictions are lifted and Americans are returning to leisure and dining activities leisure, hospitality, and related businesses have seen 68% of increase in job openings.
However, it’s not leisure or hospitality but manufacturing sector that experienced huge demand of employees by 112% since last February. Now the current situation shows a desperate need of manufacturing industry owners who would recruit anyone off the street, says Carolyn Lee, in charge of workforce development for the National Association of Manufacturers.
Health concerns during the pandemic likely forced older Americans to retire early, which created a big talent gap in manufacturing industry as the median age for manufacturing workers is 44.4 in 2020. Now the manufacturing industry faces the biggest challenge of attracting younger generation as either they aren’t aware of job openings or don’t have interest due to the industry perception, says Lee.

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