Pandemic and biology changed in just one year more than technology in the last 10 years. All the technological tools were there but most of all big companies were not using them properly. And our lifestyle changed with it.
Today, remote working or teleworking is very normal, as are conferences, phone calls and other activities that leave behind the face to face necessity and lots of traveling and commuting.
This tendency has become the new reality and it could be a good step in the short term in terms of efficiency and productivity, but it has a critical impact on the lifestyle habits and employees’ health. And the main reason is that we dramatically reduce our activity and we become more sedentary.
This sedentary lifestyle affects health badly, and it opens the door to future metabolism disorders such as metabolic syndrome, obesity, insomnia or type 2 diabetes. We saw from Glucovibes users that the glucose levels of sedentary people is higher at all the time, both day and night.
This means that the insulin levels are higher, too, and the lack of activity together with a high diet in carbohydrates and saturated fats is the perfect storm for metabolic disorders.
Activity is the main regulator of our glucose levels, and it can not be replaced just by a specific diet or carbohydrates limitation. Our body and metabolism is created to have an active profile, our muscles need to be used to avoid their atrophy.
Diet of course has a direct effect on glucose levels and metabolic health, and metabolic GPS like Glucovibes allows you to understand this effect together with activity and resting, the three main pillars of metabolic health.
It is important to understand that any employee should introduce in his/her schedule some activity each 90 or 120 minutes, a little walk of 15 or 20 minutes have a positive effect on the metabolism, and if you take this short walk after your meals, our body receive the help of our muscles to regulate the intake of energy and glucose of each meal.
Impact on glucose levels of eating the same chocolate puff pastry during a walk or in the sofa (by Glucovibes)
At the same time, it is very important to balance the nutrients intake, in order to avoid a plain carbohydrate meal and most of all, a high added sugar meal, which is quite common in a lot of employees working remotely to maintain their attention. In fact, high carbohydrate intake meals generate reactive hypoglycemia which means a focus depreciation and new glucose desire or cravings pushing us to keep eating all the time.
A simple way to regulate the metabolism could be a balance diet in Proteins, Carbohydrates and healthy Fats together with foods rich in fiber, together with some activity every day (a 30 minutes walking after meals is more effective that go to the gym twice a week), with 3 to 5 intakes per day, and 7 to 8 hours of good sleep with 10 to 14 of fasting period from dinner to breakfast. An early dinner helps, and some strength workout as first “to do” in the morning, even for 10 to 15 minutes regulates our metabolism from the beginning of the day. Of course, avoiding processed foods and added sugar foods is a good choice.
Remote working reduces activity and could have fatal consequences in any metabolism if we do not take action and balance our lifestyle. Early death and chronic metabolic disorders are growing each year and the pandemic will boost these numbers if we do not understand how to face it with better lifestyle habits. Fortunately, technology could help here, too, allowing us a guidance or metabolic GPS as Glucovibes does to understand the change and the impact of our lifestyle on our health.
Ph.D Alberto Conde Mellado
Industrial Engineer
Nutrition Sciences
Founder Glucovibes