The Adventures of Julie Jones

Julie Jones

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Often, people will ask me, what was your journey from police officer to speaker, adventure & breakthrough coach, and TV producer? There really is no concise answer, yet, it is through the journey of life and entrepreneurship, through all the challenges and obstacles, the highs and the lows, that make me the inspirational leader that I am today.

As a young child, I was taught by my parents the importance of giving back and making a difference. I have always had the heart to serve others. While I was a police officer, one of the most difficult parts of my job was to make death notifications to loved ones. Words don’t come easy, and one must remain stoic, not showing much emotion.

It is by far one of the most difficult parts of being a police officer. I learned early on in my life that tomorrow is not promised. It hit home even harder for me when my mom was diagnosed at 57 with early onset Alzheimer’s, and at 59, she passed away from the disease. The disease and her death robbed my mother of her dreams, and I was determined to live a life without regret and not take my dreams to the grave.

After my mom passed, and within 30 days, my grandmother, who had a strong influence, passed away. I knew once again that time waits for no one, and my desire to make an impact in this world was what I truly desired to do.

Today, I inspire joy in people who are do, do, do instead of just being, a way to transform their stinking thinking into a more courageous way of being, so they can get off the hamster wheel, live a life without regret, and have the courage to be who they are meant to be. In my coaching business, everything is customized specifically for my clients. I do not use a cookie cutter approach, and the foundation of my business is integrity, candor, and fun! My clients have success because I walk the walk and talk the talk.

I don’t ask them to do anything I myself am not willing to do or have already done. I don’t believe in fluff. I am direct with an incredibly loving heart. Most importantly, we have fun. I am creative, innovative, and I can see what others are missing in their life because of their perceptions, filters and beliefs. Have you ever really looked at the word BELIEF? There is a word within belief, and that word is a LIE. Beliefs are the lies that we tell ourselves daily about how we are not good enough, not worthy, not valuable, etc.

My clients have often said that what I do is life changing. Here is what I know. They have changed their perspective on things based on the tools I have given them. Coaching is for successful people who want to level up. It’s not designed to fix anyone. There is nothing wrong with you. Most people have just lost their way, and I show them again what’s possible. It’s why I surround myself with successful people and have multiple coaches.

Life and business are about taking risks and saying YES to life opportunities. Do you know that the average 3 year old hears the word NO about 450,000 times in that short life span? Is it any wonder that we are so quick to say NO all the time? Being in business and being an entrepreneur means you have to become comfortable to a pint with risk. Playing it safe will not support you in creating the life you desire. There is a distinct difference to saying YES to what you get to do in life rather than what you have to. I support my clients in that distinction. People often leave Corporate America because they are sick and tired of running on the hamster wheel, yet they will recreate a business for themself where they have no time. I am clear in my message that the most important business we are in is that of our life!

Change is inevitable. Technology continues to play a role in business, and yet, it is the building of relationships and effective communication that will continue to be most important. Right now, the buzz is about AI. I believe that there are some great uses for this newest technology, yet it still will not replace the underlying desire that all of us have for connection. I believe that since the pandemic, we discovered that humans do not do well alone. We are in this world together, and it is the connection over content that I inspire my audiences to remember that is most important.

As I continue to move forward in my business, my goals include having intimate retreats where individuals can focus on who they are, the gifts they bring to this world, and what matters most. I aspire to be on world stages sharing my message. We all have a message and a story to share. I will continue to give people a platform through my podcast, Get S#*t Done, and through my television show, Stop Waiting Start Living, which can be found on streaming platforms like Roku, Apple, and Amazon Fire, to share their stories of resilience, persistence, and saying YES to life.

Want to know more about what’s possible for you and your life? Find out more and connect with me at: I am excited to meet you!

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