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Stratix: Simplifying Enterprise Mobility for 35 Years

The phrase ‘enterprise mobility’ has seen increasingly widespread use in recent years and the concept itself has had a huge impact on businesses across the globe. A shift in work habits and changing business needs have led many organizations to restructure and integrate mobile technology into their business strategies.
In addition to helping boost revenue, improve productivity, cut costs and stay ahead of the competition, enterprise mobility makes it easier for employees to collaborate and work more efficiently. This is achieved through online access to corporate information and functions on the go, a key efficiency factor for organizations with a large, distributed workforce.
Though the concept is relatively new, it has expanded the horizons of every possible vertical with its futuristic approach. Regional and global businesses want a single enterprise mobility services provider who can deliver the complete portfolio of managed services to achieve their business transformation goals.
Stratix Corp delivers that. Stratix is a pure-play managed mobile service provider which has empowered hundreds of global field workforces since its inception in 1983.
Enterprise Mobility for Diverse Requirements 
Stratix provides Managed Mobile Services focused exclusively on enterprise and the inherent challenges of delivering and supporting enterprise mobile solutions. The main challenge has been the increasingly diverse mix of devices, peripherals, use-cases, and applications. However, Stratix-devised services programs help enterprise customers to plan, deploy, support and manage their mobile devices on a unified platform. Every solution and service offered by Stratix is based on a proven methodology of over thirty-five years.
South West Airlines approached Stratix to resolve a problem in scaling a trial mobile deployment of Electronic Flight Bags (EFB) with pilots. The goal of the project was to equip all pilots with a mobile tablet and software that would replace paper printouts of the information needed for a flight.
As SWA began to deploy the solution with the first set of pilots, they quickly realized that they lacked the resources needed to move beyond the initial trial to full-scale deployment with over 7,000 pilots. Stratix was brought in to help plan, deploy, support and manage mobility for the project.
After successfully implementing the project with the pilots, Stratix was selected to manage the deployment of mobility for other lines of SWA’s operations, starting with the deployment of tablets for the airline’s 14,000 flight attendants. The company created a custom web portal for each flight attendant to order their tablet and to select the day they wished to receive the shipment at their home. This complicated and unwieldy project was flawlessly executed by Stratix, powered by the never-ending passion of its employees and management team to ensure customer success.
Two Decades of Brilliance 
Gina Gallo is the CEO of Stratix. She has over 25 years of leadership experience in the enterprise mobility marketplace.
Prior to joining Stratix, Gina was Senior Vice President of Sales at Motorola Solutions and has also held key leadership positions at GRiD Systems and Xerox Corporation. She joined Stratix in September 2004 as Senior Vice President of Sales, was appointed to President in 2007 and assumed the role of Chief Executive Officer in 2011.
Under Gina’s leadership, the company achieved three hundred percent growth and became one of the largest and most well-respected Managed Mobile Services companies in Fortune 1000’s list of businesses in North America. Today, the company is directly managing over 2 million mobile devices for some of the world’s largest global brands in retail, manufacturing, transportation, and field service.
The Key Differentiators 
Stratix is focused exclusively on mobile solutions and has been over its entire thirty five-years history as a company. It offers the incredible depth of best-practices and expertise to help its customers plan and then support mobile users across their enterprise.
A key differentiator is that the company delivers their complete portfolio of services leveraging its own resources and facilities. Unlike most other service providers, who outsource part of their support programs to the third party or off-shore providers.
The company constantly monitors its feedback score and its consistent performance of an average NPS score over 80 is more than double the industry average of 34.
Stratix manages over two million mobile devices daily. It has systems and scales to deploy tens of thousands of mobile devices monthly while supporting each end-user with high quality and flawless execution.
The company’s itrac360 software portal gives customers complete visibility across all their mobile assets, managed services, and SLAs. This ensures customers have better control and understanding when running their own mobile environments.
From Inception to the Future 
When the company was founded in 1983, enterprise customers struggled with supply chain technology solutions centered on barcodes and barcode scanning. For the first 10 years, Stratix offered consulting services to help enterprise customers better deploy mobility around their warehouses and supply-chain solutions.
As mobile technology standards evolved, more mobile vendors and network-attached devices entered the marketplace and Stratix quickly became the largest national integrator of rugged technology commonly used in back office, line-of-business applications. It also added consumer-grade technologies from Apple, Samsung, and others as these devices made their way into the enterprise.
As enterprises sought to deploy and support mobile solutions across all lines of businesses and to all employees within the enterprise, the complexity of doing so increased exponentially. Consequently, Stratix evolved its solutions to provide the necessary managed services that augment enterprise teams’ ability to plan, deploy, support and manage mobility.
Now, the company is aiming to continue building on its progress with more revolutionary services. The working relationships it has forged with large Fortune 500 companies give Stratix a unique perspective to gauge the future and asses what is needed to ensure continued business transformative solutions.
Stratix aims to continue to evolve their managed services portfolio and lead the industry based on enterprise adoption of emerging technology trends and needs.

Source :- The 30 Most Admired Companies to Watch 2018